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As of Oct 1, 2014, our courses are no longer approved by NCCAOM®
or the Calif Acu Board because we have retired.

All Courses remaining online are Free

Click the Course # below that you wish to Enter

Click the Course #
below to ENTER
that Course

Course # 1 - Source Acupuncture - Esoteric Aspects not taught in School

Course # 2 - The Archives of Acupuncture - The History of Oriental Medicine

Course # 3 - Medical Qi Gong - The Theory and Practice of Energetic Healing

Course # 4 - Spiritual Acupuncture - The Original 1988 Text

Course # 5 - Ancient Oriental Ethics - Amusing but True!

Course # 6 - Rokukan Tai Chi - Combat Tai Chi with Moving Pictures

Course # 7 - Feng Shui - The Art of Placement

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