~Absolutely Darling~

This page is where I discuss WHY the A/D pairing is soo perfect. I also discuss Why goodie-two-shoes Angel won't kill Darla in season 2.

Angel and Darla are perfect together. Their relationship is to coin the title of my site "Absolutely Darling". While Angelus is most brutal and vicious to everyone, Buffy, Spike, Drusilla, and basically everyone everywhere, a coarse word is never shown between him and Darla. He seems to respect her and actually value her opinion.--> Like the time when she gave him the speech on how his father's victory over him would last lifetimes. He didn't get mad or go off at her. He asked her opinion and listened eagerly to it. There is a certain tenderness Angelus has towards nothing but Darla. And it is truely captivating. And Darla returns his 'affections' she missed him greatly since his soul was restoured. She tried to get him back. He wanted to get back with her and he had his soul then too. Their relationship has such depths and such passion to it that it should live on with them through their eternal lives.

I absolutely Believe that Angel will not off Darla again. On the logical side it would be stupid. You can't bring a character back from the dead/hell more than once. If you do it makes it hard to believe and extra-cheesey. The character of Darla is so interesting and meaningfull to Angel's character that it would be insane to get rid of her. You can always go more into depth. There are always more stories with a character like that. OK on the other side Angel himself just won't do it. He can't. He did it once just b/c she was going to kill Buffy. He never would have done it otherwise. NEVER. And now the Angel/Buffy relationship is way different. He saved Buffy then they had their little shin dig. Now it is time for the original two lovers to get back together. Maybe this time around he will stop Buffy from killing Darla. Plus I don't forsee Darla dying (if she is going to anyway) in the same way she did in season one of Buffy. Can we say tired? I mean this time she is going to basically know not to mess with Angel's friends. That is one way to sign a death certificate. She will understand this time he has a soul (for now) and he cares about more people than he would if he didn't. She probably won't want to go back to hell so I doubt she'll push those buttons.

That is my reasoning. What do you think?