~Absolutely Darling~

02/19/01: major update finished the green layout. I also updated here and there as I went. Currently is now up tp date. More very soon.
01/14/2001: Today I finished the VERY-SHort lived black/red layout. I didnt like it. So I took a while and made this one. Version the trial. I updated little things as I went. Major info updates soon. Probably Friday.

12/21/2000: Today I updated basically everything. Spike, Dru. etc etc etc. Ohhh! I also have some Fangfic...[get it fang.... yeah I'm a really big dork, I know] A kind soul took pity on my empty fanfic page and submitted four fics. Oh yeas, I think I really like this layout. I am finally satisfied. At least for now. Although I've updated many things, I plan to work on my galleries (I need to have thumbnails, they are so much neater); My rants (over the past couple of weeks a few things have sprung up I would like to talk about); and assorted other minor things. Oh I've increased the font size a little bit. Some were complaining they couldn't read my site, Oh the horror of it all! Naturally I adjusted that quickly. Look for those updates within the month.
11/29/2000: Today I updated most of the history. "Current history";"Past History";"Angel";"Darla"; have all been brought up to date. The Fanfic, Quotes, Spike,and Dru pages will all be updated soon.

11/26/2000:Ok Today I finished up my new layout. Ho-Hum. I like it. I think the sunset is beautiful. I have a thing for sunsets. I have removed all the rollovers because they looked really crappy on the new background. My next update will be later this week. I plan on adding all the new information and Updating the Episode guide. I am also thinking of making a special section devoted to Riley and what he is going through. I really care about what is happening to him. It wont be a huge section but I think it will be suited. After I finish all of my information and page updates, I plan on renovating my picture sections. I think It is time I made thumbnail gallerys and added a misc. section where other vampires and btvs/Angel characters are put. Somehow I got way behind and I plan to catch up this week, wait I know how. The past few episodes have dumped a great deal of info on me{which I am gratefull for} and I have been lazy with the new layout and consequently haven't updated in almost 20 days.

11/7/2000: Well I needed to do a quickie update because I felt my awards were too bulky and impracticle. There are now three awards and they are all very nice looking and achievable. There is also a plaque that you can post on your page for the couple. It also kind of disses B/A. But I'm evil so what do I care?
11/5/2000:Hey I's been a while since my last update but that is because of Homecoming. Also I've been busy with Varsity regionals. We were knocked out but did good. OK Today I renovated my 'snapshots' aka pictures. I added many and made 3 separate catagorys. Angel, Darla, And the couple together. Now that the catagorys are up I can add gradually. Also I updated the currently/ episode guide. Ashley has promised to write a fanfic for me so hopefully that will be up by the end of the month, possibly sooner, depending on her. I also will be adding a few rants as soon as I can articulatley transfer them from my mind to the page. That should be up by the end of the month also, possibly as soon as next week. I'm not sure. Well check out the updates and email me if you want.
10/20/2000: Today I updated 'Currently'/the episode guide. I also added an Affiliate "Amazing Julie" check her out. And I updated some links that sitemistresses have changed. I'm thinking of making new awards this weekend. the others are kind of untidy to post. And the chick I owe everything to : Rebecca has taken some screen shots for me. so I will post those soon. I am hoping to do a major update with Quotes and pics relatively soon. Until next week.
10/6/2000: Today I updated the Currently section. 'Currently' is kind of like an episode guide. I also aquired 500 megabytes for the site. yes! I will add major quotes and stuff like that after some darla/angel interaction. Until then enjoy.
9/23/2000: Today I re-did parts of the site. Fixed minute errors. Changed the main font to verdana and added a navigator bar to my pages at the bottom. In 3 days Angel Premires. The first show is Titled "Judgement" WOOO! excitement. I will be keeping an episode guide weekly throughout season 2. It most likely will be updated Saturdays or Fridays unless I get a break during the week. Also The awards are now posted You can win my awards! yes you. there are barely any restrictions. The awards I've won have not been posted yet however. The site has been made Neater, Faster, Better. Tell me what you think.

August 23.

I have added my affiliates page, finished the "sex is bad" rant, and posted this page. I also am thinking of making some awards for other sites and posting the awards I've won. I want all of that done by August 29 because I go back to school then. I will be very busy since I play volleyball but not too busy to keep up.

August 18.

I have decided to swap the picture links with written ones on the main page and the sired & rants pages. It takes less time to load and I want it to be as user-friendly as possible.

August 8 2000.

The site is finished... I think I may want to add more later.

Late July 2000.

After Gathering my info and Ideas I started on Graphics and started making pages.