~Absolutely Darling~

This is the section where I discuss why I don't think Evil Angel (Angelus) would be beneficial to Wolfram & Hart.

First of all why would Wolfram & Hart want Angelus? Because Angelus is the most rutheless, dangerous, brutal creature ever. And if he was working for them they wouldn't need to hire so many assasins. Plus he is smart and never would get caught. Even if he was caught he'd just kill the people who caught him so it would be no biggie. Also they tried to assasinate him via slayer and it didn't work. And Angel is a threat to them. He convinces key witness to testify. He kills their assasins and saves people they want dead. They obviously think Angelus would be an asset to them where Angel is not.

But what I am thinking is are they that stupid? DO they really think Angelus would work for them? Angelus works for no one. He does what he wants, says what he wants and kills who he wants. *If* Angel does turn evil and the Wolfram & Hart people approach him to make a deal how long do you think those people would live? 10 seconds? And that is only if he decides not to torture them.

Angelus is the most butal, vicious creature ever to walk this earth he is not going to walk around taking orders from some pesky minute law firm. He'd just kill them. Honestly! Am I good or am I good? You see what I predicted Angel would do (above) Darla did. Somehow uncanny, but its all good.

If you have any comments feel free to drop me a line.