~Absolutely Darling~

Darla was born in the 1500's. Probably 1580's or late 1570's. Her place of Birth is unknown. No one cared for Darla during her lifetime. During the last of her years she lived in a Virginia colony and she worked as a whore. She contracted the disease syphillis as a result of her 'profession'. She suffered terribly from this disease, often going into fits of delerium, that she would not remember afterwards. She became bedridden, and was 'bled'. Bleeding was a coomon practice at that time. To rid the body of "bad blood" that was making her sick. It only made her sicker. Somehow the Master learned about Darla, that wasn't her name at the time, but no one can remember it now. The Master came to her room on the fatefull day that he sired her. He posed as a preist and even on her deathbed she responded with a sharp, witty, tounge. He askes her if she is ready to renounce satan and embrace God. She replies that God never did anything for her, and either way, she'd die. He told her that she would not die, but be reborn. He was her savior. At that time he also reminded her that he had sang to her from her window. Darla was not afraid as he took her into his vampiric embrace.

At this time the Master did not ever dream that Darla would choose someone over him. But indeed she did. She chose Angelus. About 20 years after she sired Angel, there was the showdown. Darla took Angel to meet the master in 1760 in London at that time she was a member of the Bretheren of Aurelius. And she was adored by the master. Even though she left that day with Angel the master still adored her, it showed, she rejoined the bretheren after Angel's soul was restored.

Darla was last in sunnydale when she tried to bring Angel "back to the fold". He wanted to kill Buffy badly, but didn't. Darla, upset by this tried to kill Buffy, and would have, But Angel, and his poor-tortured-soul, dusts her, much to Darla's disbelief. From there she went to hell. And she stayed there for three years before Wolfram and Hart raised her to get to Angel. They brought her back as human so Angel would have to save her. And he tried, many times. When Darla was brought back she pickup up where she left off with her terminal disease. After much contemplating Angel started to think seriously about turning Darla back. Darla told him no, she wouldn't put him through that. Maybe her second chance was to die, like she was supposed to, of her disease, because of her mistakes. She told Angel that the only thing she needed from him was for him to care about her like he always has, and is doing. Angel told her He'd be by her side until the end; she would never be alone again, she will always have him. After that touching moment Lindsay and several other people burst into the room and restrained Angel, they the grabbed Darla. They had Drusilla with them and She re-sired Darla. Now that Angel has let her run-amuck, everything is up in the air.

I can only speculate as to what may happen next. It's all up in the air with Angel's moshpit of emotions, Dru back in the game, Darla's re-vampage and Lindsay's little crush. I hope Mr. MacDonald gets his @$$ kicked. predictions