~Absolutely Darling~

All personal ratings are on a scale of 1 to 5; 1 being poor, 5 being exceptional and 3 being average.

"The Thin Dead Line"
Unbeknownst to Gunn, Cordy and Wesley, Angel investigates a squad of zombie police officers who assault everyone in their path — a case also brought to the trio by Anne. What Angel realizes and the others don't is that the attackers are actually reanimated cops who had been killed in the line of duty. Yet another episode given to give Darla and Drusilla some time to heal. It is very emotional for me. Wesley is my favorite out of the Cordy, Wes, Gunn trio. Wesley is brutally shot while trying to help Gunn out of a Sticky Situation. Fortunately He is alive and kicking; and has found a great respect for morphine, lol. On To Angel. Angel seems more offput than ever by Kate’s emotional breakdown when she realizes that her father has not been zombie-ized. He looks very uncomfortable and somewhat annoyed by her outburst, like he cant be bothered, like she is slowing him down. Also Kate makes a remark about her cases, “two women murdered in a clothing store” and “a roomfull of dead lawyers” Angel obviously doesn’t care but says ‘what a shame’ Kate sees through him “yeah, It seems like you’re pretty torn up about it.” then she says how he must have not caught up with the girls in time (he did, but kind of gave them his blessing to kill) Se also says that by how he said he lit up D&D it sounds like he had fun. That’s disturbing! He also ‘looks out’ for his former employees, in an omniscient way. They don’t know he stopped the zombies, and They don’t know how he followed Gunn for awhile, presumably to watch out for him. Anyway, when Angel finds out about Wesley he goes to the hospital. He lurks about until he sees that Wesely is ok, He goes to leave, not wanting to make his presence known, But alas he bumpes into Cordelia. She rather bitchily tells him to get out, and that they don’t need him. Maybe She is using anger to cover up a broken heart. She tried to hurt him. He saunters out of the hospital, with some pep in his step, it looks like, or maybe it was just cockyness. Cordy didn’t know that wthout Angel interveing Wesley would be dead, along with everyone in the shelter.
Rating 4

"Happy Anniversary"
Angel and the Host search for a physicist they fear will cause the end of the world — who unknowingly has help from two apocalypse-lovin' Lubber demons. Wesley, Cordelia and Gunn settle into their new digs, where Virginia brings them their first official case. This is another episode used to give Darla and Drusilla some healing time. It is pretty hilarious, actually. I had some good laughs. Angel finally says just what the heck is wrong with him. He tells the Host that it is mostly Wolfram and Hart, working ‘round the clock to drive him crazy. He doesnt mention Darla and Dru. But I found this interesting: Angel: "Well, you know, love. It burns you. Down to the bone. And then it turns the bone to ash. And the ash will just..." Now if you think how I think (hence that this is D/A shippyness) Love it burns you. Well That couldn’t be more true, My sister a Buffy/Angel ship thinks he is talking about himself getting burned with Buffy alone. But his other significant other (Darla) also burned him. And he burned Darla in return, except literally. I’m not sure which one would hurt the most.... wait I think that would have to be literal fire burning, melting flesh. Evil Angel, wicked soulboy.
Rating 3

"Blood Money"
Angel digs up dirt on Wolfram & Hart's connection to a shelter for runaways and the woman who manages it. Meanwhile, an old enemy goes to the law firm for help in settling his grudge against the detective; and Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn resolve to continue fighting evil. Angel helps Anne. Not like the completely good Angel would, but he does. He makes fools out of Lindsey and Lilah, and they are told that they are expendable. Darla and Drusilla are not showni in this episode. My guess is that they are being givin time to heal, No one wants to see mutilated women. They’ll be back in about two weeks, when they will be pretty much completely healed.
Rating: 2

This episode explores the Darla/Angel relationship on a deeper level. s Wes, Cordy and Gunn reel from the shock of being fired, their deadly serious ex-boss intently reinvents himself as a coldhearted, one-man weapon of mass destruction. Darla and Drusilla keep busy by recruiting baddies for their new gang. Lindsay and Lilah ponder their Wolfram & Hart futures with the firm. The entire episode Darla denies that the power she is seeking, and the havok she is wreaking is for Angel. She puts on the mask of “Can’t a girl wreak a little havok without a man involved?” No one buys it. Lindsey knows that she is doing it for Angel. Drusilla knows. Darla misses Angel, and she does not deny it. She still wants him. Angel meanwhile can’t fight her. He still remembers how she wanted redemption, how she was willing to accept her fate, how she had hope for forgiveness. How he had failed her, he couldn’t help. Angel is too close to her, he cares too much. This episode is very personal filmed on a intimate level. Angel speaks directly to the audience, he never speaks a word to any other character. Also in this episode Angel burns his sketches of Darla, as if he is trying to get her out of his mind. he has an entire box full of the drawings, some shown have her in very intimate positions. He also burns her and Drusilla. He killed their ‘soldiers’ and lit them up; so to speak, He seems to have hit a very low place in this episode, He couldnt kill the girls so he places a great deal of pain on them instead. He burns them alive, It does not appear that he wants them dead. You see, Angel is not stupid, he is very meticulous. I believe the sledgehammer was there for a reason. Perhaps he decided to give the girls a little warning as not to cause trouble, and a taste of what may happen. The show ends with the viewer knowing that both girls are still very much undead.
Rating: 5

December 19, 2000
Summary: Angel goes on a Frantic search for Darla. He is stricken with guilt that he couldn't save her. When he finally finds her he cannot kill her. Dru and Darla give him the slip and Darla is kind of pissed at dru. She did not want to be a vamp again. However, she was swayed by Dru's tearful explanation. Holland rings the girls when they are in the middle of a killing/shopping spree. He tells them to make it a massacre. Meanwhile Angel breaks into Lindsay's office and meets Holland. He tells them to tell him where the terrible two are and they say no (duh). Angel says innocent people will die. Holland says that He just cant find it in himself to care. Angel is arrested and Kate lets him go. After some investigative work Angel finds that the girls have gone to Holland's wine tasting party. When he gets their the girls are about to start the massacre. Holland beggs for his help, but Angel cant seem to care. He leaves and locks he door behind him. Drusilla says daddy inquiringly. She sees him more like Angelus than before. At his office Gunn, Cordy And Wes, lecture Angel, they tell him he needs to change the way he's been handelling things and that he had better believe that they are the only things holding him back from real darkness. He said he did, then he fired them all.
Personal rating:5+ Wow, he is so hot when he is mad. Excellent episode.

November 28, 2000
"The Trial"
Summary: Gunn finds out where Dalrla is staying just a little after Lindsay does. Lindsay takes Darla back to Wolfram & Hart just before Angel and Gunn get there. Wolfram and Hart tell Darla she is dying of a Syphillitic heart condition. She is distraught. She goes to a dive and tries to get a vamp to sire her. Angel kills that vamp. He tells her not to give up her second chance, she has time as a human. Darla tells him she has no time at all. Two months, Three at the most, to live. He thinks it is a mindgame. He brings Darla to his place and seeks Lindsay out. Lindsay invites him in; he also tells Angel that the reports are correct, Darla is dying. Angel grills Lindsay about his schoolboy crush on Darla. He then makes her sing kareoke. He is told that there is one way to save her. Angel goes through this horrible tortuous trial, and he succeeds. The whole time Darla is hoping he wont do it, but he cannot hear her. The last test is death, he actually was willing to give his life for her second chance. As the stakes fly, Darla lets out a scream filled with horror and sorrow. when she looks up Angel is there. He passed. However they could not help Darla because She was already given a second chance. As Angel puts is, "to die". He was considering turning her, But Darla said no. And all that she needed from him was for him to keep caring like he does. He told her she'd never be lonley again, He'd always be with her. Then Lindsay breaks in with a couple others. They restrain both Darla and Angel. The Drusilla walks in and drinks & turns Darla.
Personal Rating:5+ I loved this episode. It was fantastic.

November 21, 2000
"The Shroud Of Rahmon"
Summary: Gunn's cuz is in trouble. He's gotten in over his head. To help him out Angel and Gunn pose as key players in this robbery. The twist is that the shroud makes people mean, bad and crazy. Gunn loses control and tries to stake Angel, one person is killed and Angel bites Kate. Kate has been acting like a bicka for the longest time. But Angel doesn't kill her he bites her to save her. Wesley and Cordelia try to warn Angel, but they too are under the thrall. Angel ends up saving the day, and destroying the shroud. Kate is fine, although her feelings about this situation are unclear.
Darla in Action: Darla is not present in this episode;however, there is this quote about her "If you get between me and Darla, It'll be the last thing you do." Angel says this because Kate is threatening what she will do when she finds Darla. He warns her to drop the case or she'll get killed=) I like the sound of that.
Personal Rating:4

November 14, 2000
Summary: Angel is deperatly trying to rescue Darla from Wolfram and Hart. There are many flashbacks in this episode. There are flashbacks of Darla being sired by the Master, Darla picking Angel over the Master, Angel telling Darla he'd give her the view she crave, he'd give her everything. And it also flashbacks to when Angel gets his soul and how Darla tried to persuade a gypsy to lift the curse in return, she'd protect his family. That didn't work out because of Spike so she killed the gypsy, and then tod Spike and Drue to show no mercy. It is a wonder any of those Kalderdash people survived. This episode also reveals that Angel had killed men when he had a soul. Only evil men, though. He did it so that Darla would take him back. Darla is scared of being human, after all it means pain, suffering, disease and death. It appears as though Lindsay has a crush on Darla... well he wants to screw her anyway. The episode ends when Darla leaves when Angel refuses to turn her back.
Personal Rating: 5

November 10, 2000
"Guise Will Be Guise"
Summary: Angel is haunted after seeing Darla again. He is falling to pieces. He goes to a suami who is supposed to help him with his problem with Darla. The suami (who is a fraud) Tells him to Bed a little blonde thing and treat her horribly and break her heart, his soul will thank him for it. ...LoL That plan didnt exactly work, did it? I mean Buffy didn't make him get over Darla. While Angel is gone important clients come to Angel Investigations. They demand Angel and in order to save Cordelia's life Wesley poses as Angel. He ends up protecting this chick who he sleeps with, But it turns out she doesn't need the protection because she hasn't been a virgin for "a very long time" Also Angel Discoveres the suami is a fake and ditches that place, while saving Gunn.
Personal Rating: 4

November 5, 2000
"Dear Boy"
Summary: Angel discovers that Wolfram & Hart have resurrected Darla as a human. They think he won't kill one. Angel thought he was going crazy until he saw her. Wesley and Cordelia and Gunn believe there is a possibility that Angel may go evil. Darla plans a set up in where an accomplise vampire kills her "husband" and she frames Angel. He then kidnaps her and brings her to the water tower that used to be a covenant. He reminds her how much he likes covenants. He gets her to talk by scraping her with his fangs and tasting her. She thoroughly enjoys this. She tempts him to just give in to his desires. However his soul won't allow it. And he tries to tell her that she never made him happy. Darla is obviously hurt. She asked how Ra-Ra Buffy could have made him happy. they exchange this wonderfully written scene. "You couldn't understand" _Angel "Oh I understand all right. A Guy gets a piece of something fresh and he thinks he's touching God."_Darla "It wasnt about--"_Angel "Oh you bet your @ss it was! There was a time in the early years when you would have said I was the definition of bliss! ...Buffy wasn't happiness, She was just new."_Darla I thought it put a nice spin on what was really between Angel and Buffy. I plan on writing a rant on this eppisode. Anyway. Darla goes on to tell Angel how he'll miss those dreams and all the nasty things he said. He got mad and grabben her neck. SHe told him no matter what a good boy he is God doesn't want him, but she still does.
Personal Rating: 5

October 17, 2000
Summary: Darla is keeping up her antics with the dreaming. Angel is extremely tired He needs rest but he never gets it because of what his dreams contain. Wesly also askes ANgel if He's been Dreaming however before Angel can answer they are interrupted. Darla says that "horrors" are in Angel's mind. She also lets us in on the secret that until you can get into a person's mind you can never know them truely. And if you get in you can control them completely. YAY! Angel helps A telekinetic chick (Bethany) control her powers. She was living with Lila. She hits on Angel majorly and almosts discoveres Darla in his room. When he wakes up he askes if she is Darla, kind of wishfully. Darla seems touched-- in a way that he called for her when he woke. Also Bethany Asks him who Darla is, and he tells her to go to bed. Wolfram & Hart obviously hold Angel #1 priority because they tell Lila to get her girl out because she is disrupting Lindsay's plan. Angel has no idea that Wolfram & Hart are controling him with his dreams. He knew they were controling his client's but he never thought they were controlling him. We also see a passionate scene between Angel And Darla that happened b4 he was souled. They were making out and bit each other. Very vampy.
Personal Rating: 5
NEway. Next week Angel finally discovers that Darla is back. Score! it looks good. I can't wait.
"First Impressions"
Summary: Darla seduces Angel through his Dreams. His heart is no longer in the fight. All he wants to do is go to bed. He feels badly about killing Darla, or at least appears to in his dreams. She treats him well and the bang a lot. The episode ensd with Darla actually doing the things to Angel that he was dreaming of. Meanwhile Cordy has a disturbing vision of Gunn-- which after a messy fight with a demon-- she realizes he is on a self-destrution path. That was what her vision ment the whole time. There was flirtation between Cordy and Gunn. It also shows that he still feels horrible about his sister. Next week's eppy does not show any Darla teasers, however we can hope.
Personal Rating: 3.75

"Are You now or have You ever been?"
Summary: Angel has Wes and Cordy investigate a Hotel that Angel had lived in during the 1950's. There was a paranoia demon there feeding on the residents. It would make people kill and/or commit suicide. Angel befriended a girl who was overcome with guilt b/c she stole money from a bank. She then points the finger at Angel and said he was a monster. A mob then lynched him but b/c he is a vampire it only left a red mark. Angel then left. He now returns to vanquish the paranoia demon. Which he sucessfully accomplishes but not before it shakes Wesley up a bit. We then find out that the woman Angel had befriended had never left the hotel and was stuck in his room overcome with paranoia. She is now incredibally old. However she dies before she can leave. Right before she dies she asks Angel if he can forgive her for Killing him. He says of coarse. Later it is said that the Hotel will now be the new Angel Investigations Headquarters.
Darla in Action:
There are no Darla scenes however next week Darla seduces Angel through his dreams. And he can't wait to go to bed!
Personal Rating: 5
Summary: Angel Cordy and Wes get a little cocky. They think they can do anything until they slip up by not analyzing Cordy's vision more and by not getting all the facts b4 slaying. Angel ends up slaying a warrior like himslf. He then has to take over the warrior's mission, who happens to be a pregnant woman. Her child will grow up to become a + for the good guys.He ends up winning the match set up by the tribunal andsaving the woman and her unborn child.
Darla in action: Lindsay (the lawyer) Reminds Darla of Angel. She can sense Angel in town and braggs that she always could. Lindsay tells Darla that Angel has hurt both of them and when she is ready they'll give a little back to Angel. The last she is seen with a dreamy look in her eyes and says "Angel its, been a long time, I want to se that boy." she makes a point to call him boy. interesting.
Personal Rating: 3.75

In the season Finale of Angel (season 1) we learn that once Angel fulfills his destiny he will turn human. But that isnt for a long time. We also lear that after 3 seasons in hell, Wolfram & Hart raised Darla from hell, in an attempt to bring Angel to their side. What's in store for Angel & Darla? I've got a few predictions. Feel free to send your's too.
This page will be updated weekly now that season 2 of Angel has started.