Grace: Even though we're miles from each other instead of a block away, I still think of you as a sister. We've been through a lot: crushes and crashes, and drama that even yo mama can't handle. :-) Hope you and James are enjoying each other...hey, I have yet to meet him!

Daisy: My partner in crime and best friend. "Uh, like yeah..." We've been through a lot of crazy shit...driving on the yellow line, wedding lists, throwing kitty whore into the pool, wrestling events, San Clemente, booty washers, cuties, "OMG, we're on Crenshaw! Turn around!", boba, 360s in the parking lot, "I live on Westport"..."Where the hell is that?"..."I don't know where I live", meeting your man at the Glasshouse (Andrew: "Hi, I'm Andrew."...Trish: "Yeah? So what's your point?" lol jk), badminton and wiffleball, Chadwick Lyons III, "Go Bralio!", stupid souvenir lady, ear piercings, "har, har, har", "Eww, he's ______" (fill in the blank), the infamous butt-mentary, Susan and her sense of direction (left, right? right. no left.), your "girlfriend" lol, the server at Buca Di Beppo: he filled my tea with love, going through the car wash IN the car!, etc.etc. Stay tuned for more adventures to come. To be continued... :-)

Susan: Mrs. Corgan...what can I say, you're such a sweet person and I'm so glad you got to meet your man, Billy. lol. I hope everything is going good for you...keep your head up girl. Love ya!

Robb: Well, well, well...what can I say that I haven't said before? You're such a great person and I'm glad that we have become close. You're one in a million and I'll never forget you boo. Thanx for being "papi." lol. One question though: "Why do you build me up, buttercup?" I love you vewy vewy much. "And my booyyyyfriiiieeennndd..."

Janet and Rowena: Y'all crazy! You guys make "hanging out" so much fun. Janet, we've known each other forever and it's a trip that we've been close this whole time. Thanx for the fun times...Work it girl! Mom says "Wasssssup!" And Rowena, I'm glad I met your crazy ass (not you, just your ass)..."like whaaaat?" You airhead. Keep on C-walkin'!

Myrene: "Speaking of the devil" jk. Hey I never told dad to say that to you. "I thought I smelled something here...oh it's just Myrene." Like as if! Well, you're probably just chillin like a villain right now. Don't forget our plans for next year! Mwa-ha-ha-ha! "I'd like to thank my mom and dad for making me.."

Chris and Dianne: A.P. Bio class...Chem class...ahhh memories! lol. "Suck my dick master chief!!!" You guys should come down here so we can hang out!

Eddie: My homie from Montebelllllllo. You crazyass vato. Always blazin' it, getting your drink on, trying to "spit poetry" to them chicks. Don't worry, I won't ruin your game. ;-) You're the nicest and most friendly guy I've met at school, but you're still a dawg. lol. I hope we remain close friends...don't forget about me. "Let's show these fools how we do this on that west side, cause you and I know it's the best side." -Tupac

To my Tower freaks: What's up to Steph B ("tap, tap, tap..I see a baldy!".."You nasty twin...I don't care"..."So, what's your point?"..."Whatevers"..."Why you twitching?" lol), Zack (white boy that can C-walk? You da man!), Mike and Angelo (no, I won't prove you guys wrong), James (hootie hooskie? What a goon.), Jesse ("Dish, the com!" Oh yeah, his name is not Norm damnit!), Dave (oh no you didn't! I don't think you're ready for this jelly!), Johnny (oooh child!), Gabe (you owe me dinner, I don't know what we're gonna bet on, but I already know that you're gonna lose and that you have to buy me dinner, sucka!), Becky (we may be nerdy, but we're still cute!), Steph L (ms. dubi), Kathie, Danny (12"...nuff said), Donald, Klinton (you ain't gotta lie to kick it!), John (always ghettofabulous), Paul (YOU are the one who's "shady"!), Christine ("WESTSIDE!!!"), Leah (yo mama!), Jenn (sho nuf), Aimee, Artie (mah dawg), and FernDogg ("It's fuckin' Bogey!").

To my DeVry homies: Ben (too buku!), Kathy (pui-yi!!!), Eddie aka "Smokey", Derek, Joe M. (good morning mutha fuckas!), Robbie, Steve, Luke, Aaron (rock on!), and Jose.

To my online buds: What's up to Rhonda (Damn, we've come a long way since wrestling huh! Take care of yourself and the little one in the oven! Oh yeah, and Greg too! lol. "Ta-ta!"), Doc (is it HOTT up in here, or is it just you?), Bob (don't worry, one day you'll score the three K's...Korean Hoes, and Krispy Kreme. lol.), Joc (my homegirl reppin' the 808), Tade (congrats on the engagement!), Camilo, Respect BA (crazy ass Scottish rapper, good luck with your music), Kris, and Dakk (congrats newlywed!).

To everyone else: Even if your name wasn't mentioned somewhere on this page, you still have a place in my heart (awww, how precious!). It's true. Hope you guys are behaving yourselves and taking care of business. And if we haven't seen each other in a long time, don't worry, we'll see each other soon. Unless you don't want to see me, then that's fine. I see how it is. lol jk. It's a small world, so we're bound to run into each other sometime. "Shot me a hollla dawg!" You guys know the email addy and/or the digits. Take care. Lates.