Date: 05.18.03
Time: 16.49pm
Site is under construction. Lates.
Date: 10.13.02
Time: 17.44 pm
It's been exactly five months since this site has been updated. It's now being updated because I've got new pics from the Warped Tour and more from work. Also, my group members and I will be presenting this site during my HTML class on Monday, October 14. Lates.
Date: 05.13.02
Time: 10.12 am
It's been about two months since I last updated this site, but nobody comes here anymore, lol. But I will soon update it with pics from Robb's stay here in Cali. :-) So stay tuned. The pic of the moment right now is of us. Lates.
Date: 03.08.02
Time: 11.56 pm
Ok, new page called "my 21st birthday" is up with 20 new photos. Enjoy! The "pic of the moment" is still of my thuggish bro. Oh yeah, don't forget to sign the damn guestbook and/or post on the message board! Lates.
Date: 03.07.02
Time: 11.22 pm
I changed around the photo pages a bit...just changed the title graphics. I'm working on another photo page and it'll be up soon. Oh yeah, turning 21 rules so much ass. :-) Lates.
Date: 02.27.02
Time: 07.27 pm
I added three new pics that Jay sent me onto this site. You can find them in the Misc. Photos section. I also added this little frame thing on the main page. This is where I'm gonna post the updates on this site, and also my thoughts (kinda like my LiveJournal), so there might be some random stuff here. Also, I added a "Pic of the Moment" to the right. That's my brother, Ryan, playing with the digital camera. So, I guess that's about it for now. I'm done with finals and I have a one week break from school and work, so I'll have a lot of time on my hands. Oh yeah, and guess who's turning 21 this Monday!?! Yes, thank you very much. :-) Lates people.