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(: music-" He Touched Me " written by Yvette Yetter :)
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(: A Dear Friend Share This Poem With Me & Wanna Share With You...heart-touching :)

" Lord It's Me Again "

I guess its only natural as the years pass away,
to think of our childhood and the things of yesterday. To think about our homestead, the place where we were born. It may be a palace or just a humbled little home,
our roof could be leaking or the floors rough & bare,
but it didn't seem to matter, just as mom & dad was there. I'm sure you remember many things that make you glad,
but I like to think about my boyhood with my dad.
I remember how he waked me every morning before day
& sometimes I would be so sleepy, I wished he would just go away.
But he sat down by me & put his hand upon my head & say,
" you better get up son that team has to be fed."
And as he was leaving i would always hear him say,
"put your hand upon us lord & keep us through the day."
Somehow those words would stir me & sleep for me would fade.
So, I grabbed my ragged britches & the shirt my mom made
& we head out toward the barn.
I can almost see us now. Pa fed the horses,
while I milked the cow & when he was finished,
he quietly slip away, to a little spot down on the hillside
where he seem like to pray.
And sometimes he sat down on a log or maybe he leaned against a tree, but usually as I recall, he get down on one knee.
Oh, how I still remember the tingle on my skin,
as dad always started his prayer with,
" Lord its me again."
Many years has past & gone since pa went away,
but you know I still remember the things he would do or say.
But I'm sure that he's mighty happy in that new home he found,
with all the angels singing & ma close around.
And someday I'm going to meet him in a place thats free from sin
& its all because my daddy prayed,
"Lord its me again"

By: Unknown

Yvette's Screen Savers - free help finding all...
(: thank you Yvette Yetter for sharing with us :)


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