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my 411 and stuff!

((Have y'all met my twin sister JUHAKA? together, we no speeka any english!))
9I6 baby YEAH! hehe
v- JAHAKA/JUHAKA explaination!!

Hey-lo!!! wassup?! here's just a lil about me...except i don't really feel like tellin y'all so i'll jus give a brief lil...thing... *cough, cough* hehe okae so i, like, used to live in FrEaKmOnT and "chill" with the "peeps" over there ((such as: Cam-gears, 80, mia, 'chele, aud ((both of em)), you knoe, the whole gang from good ol' st. joe's)) but then i got moved over here to SaCToWn and eL Do HiLLz ((lol)) and now i "hang" with my "mo fo's" from st francis! hahah okae okae, yah soooo thas pretty much all... hehe soo i'd jus like to give some...((G!!))

...Shout outz to...!!

REanna MAE, sar ((even tho i hella dun see ya anymore!! =P)), linds, christine, j'grubbs, mon, angel, nicole, cams, 80 ((caaaaandy!!)), ((those people previously mentioned =) )), mell, other people ((i'm pretty much tired of typin so... hehe sorries i'll fix this later)) homer ((yep thas right, the homerlicious reject pornstar)), marko, mystizo, friday, jonamathan aka that really cool DJ guy who was wearin those funky glasses at that one dance, and all u other guys, mi familia, jennie, ricardo, dre, kimbo, lisa, etc... yah okae, y'all knoe who you are even if yer not in this list!!

oh and hey! if u ever see me online IM me!

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and i also have *cough* a couple other sn's but i don't feel like listin em so figure em out urself! =)

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