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Mitch’s Palos Verdes / South Bay
Audubon Bird Column

Photo of lower Malaga Creek with Mitch searching
for material for his Hummin' column. © K. Heindel 2001

“Birds of the Peninsula” in Hummin’

From 1991 to 2002, I wrote a bird column
in "Hummin'" ... the Palos Verdes / South Bay
Audubon Society newsletter.
It is an “American Birds” style regional report,
covering (roughly) the area of the Palos Verdes
Peninsula Christmas Bird Count circle.
That would be southwestern mainland Los Angeles Co.,
the vagrant capital of L.A. County.

These columns are on-line at the PV/SB Audubon
website. At last check the last four years were up,
and the next six years prior are soon to be.
There is a "birdsearch" feature which allows
you to query a species, in which all references to
it will come up. To read the columns, or check
on peninsula bird happenings, you must go to their
website, e.g., leave this site.

So, to get the heck out of this site, and see them,
click below. This is the link to the P.V. Audubon
Hummin' page. When you get there, click on
the Index link for “Birds of the Peninsula”
and the chronological index appears.
A column from February/March has bird reports
from Nov./Dec., e.g., reports run a couple of
months behind published date.

If you do not wish to leave our site at this time,
you may bookmark the Audubon website address
below to visit later.

The "Birds of the Peninsula" article now has
a new author (Kevin Larson), so the recent
columns will be his, so you'll have to search
the archives in order to read the sixty+
columns I wrote over a twelve year period.
I believe most of them are up on the website.

To P.V. Audubon Page

~ OR ~

take me back home

so I can check out some bird
photos before I blow this popsicle stand.