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2002 SoCal Pelagic News

A Revolution in SoCal Pelagic
Birding is Taking Place

The deepwaters of the shelf edge and beyond
are now going to be a daytrip! A long day, but
nevertheless, a day trip! SoCal seabirding
will never be the same. Comfort, speed, stability,
heretofore unknown in SoCal, available to the
general public, making Continental Shelf trips
easy as never before. The new high speed
catamaran, Condor Express, is replacing our
old and loyal friend, the Condor.

Never before has there been a way to deepwater
on less than a 24 hour overnight trip. For some
this is unacceptable. 'Twas a bit spartan,
but oh the birds!!! If you could stand it...

Now we will cruise at 30 knots, making a 6-hour
trip out, into 2 hours! Whilst resting seated
in a heated cabin with full galley. Polishing
optics while fantasizing .... we will now be
able to chase down the next Pterodroma Petrel
that goes by!

SoCal seabirding will never be the same.
The time we can spend in deepwater, and the ground
you can cover while there, insures a higher
rate of success.

FIVE dates have been selected this year, to visit
the deepwater areas off of Pts. Conception and
Arguello, Sta. Barbara Co., on the new Condor Express.

The first is the one-year anniversary of last
years' Dark-rumped Petrel, April 27. The second
is May 25. Both of these dates obviously are
intended to cross paths with the peak of Cook's
and Murphy's Petrel passage off central California.

Then there are three fall trips:
Aug 24, Sept 28, and Nov. 30.
Cook's are possible on all, Stejneger's especially
in Nov., and Aug and Sept. are usually good for

The trips will cost $175 and leaders such as
Don DesJardin, Bernardo Alps,
and others will be aboard to help spot
and identify birds and cetaceans.

See my Condor Express Page for more information
and to obtain a printable sign-up registration form.

Condor Express Information & Sign-up Page

Captain Ron Hart's e-mail:

If only I was on the Condor Express!

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2002 Schedule

About Arguello Canyon
