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What up kids? This is me, coming strait to you all from the gardens of PC.Yes that's right, to the left of the gospal singers, and on the right-hand side of the child-factory and mr. Garden Nazi. I made it through highschool alright (Banjo high to be precise) and now I'm working REALLY hard at John Abbott.*Please note the sarcasm* Science wasn't exactly my cup of tea, so I thought i'd give Commerce a try... well looks like that isn't exactly for me either. But since i don't really wanna be in cegep for the rest of my life, i've decided to just stick with it. I'm soon to be starting summer #3 at gay camp and this is definately the last summer! i know i've said it before, but i mean it this time! Many ADD kids and one particular one that claims the devil is after janis, and one who shat (or is it shitted? if you know please tell me) their pants! Speak of the DEVIL! I've got way too much energy sometimes, but if u put me infront of the tv with the blanket, i'm asleep in a matter of seconds!I like to have fun(well what i consider to be fun anyways) I can be a little weird sometimes..walking toe heel, or even photographing a nice beach party at 11:30 at night! Biking to McDonald's in thunder storms. I can't say that i've become like this all alone. I've been influenced by many people! ASS DANCER, you kill me! Baby I would....O-Town rules!!! 3 Bagels a day keeps Jesus Away! WWJD 4 ever! NIKS, counting squirrels,  tummy growls, tea and baking cookies, Monkey bags, and Scary mascotts! Hardcore Forever, but always take a T.O. when u'r heart hurts! POO, radio-active nip, oldies tape (Gimme Gimme YEAH!) Wong Tong soup, Belleville with Lucky! and the dating shows!STACE, ur lasagna is amazing, and ur alter ego 'Dictionary girl' will strike again!  ODOYLE RULES! JIBBERS, you guys are the bestest there is! Finally found others out there like me! Love u all.. Soccer rules!  Thanks to all the rest who've made me crazy over the years know who u are!!
I love sports! Pretty much any sport, just not a big fan of organized standing, i mean baseball. And golf, common, what's the fun in that? Although i am the mini putt queen. Highest score wins!!I play  intercity soccer, we made it to the Quebec Cup last year, and hopefull i won't be playing for a crap ass team this year...if ur a model stick to modeling please!I'll be playing flag football again next year, no i didnt say FAG football, although many of the players on other teams are lesbians. In highschool i was a big jockified chick. i played volleyball, basketball, and touch football in highschool.I also tried indoor track for a while, untill Sanjibby almost passed out in the hallway and we were rescued by grandads cookies.... and i came to the realization that i didn't like being a little penguin anymore! I also ski, but haven't done much of that since i learnt to snowboard! I love it!! I've got my own stuff and been out quite a bit this year, went on the Abbott mont Ste Anne trip again and had a blast! BLONG BLONG! As for Hockey, I really wish that i had taken it up when i was a wee one, but well.... shit happens! For now i'll just have to stick with watching it. Thanks to my hockey peeps (Jani, Kneestore, Niks, Rourke) 

I 've gotses my liscence and have had many adventures  throwing Armand around and giving her whip-lash! Oh don't forget the radial acceleration! Its all about detours and people in the back of pick-ups... them crazy texans! Before u go for a long drive, check the gas thingy, just a little tip i've picked up!!As much as i might scare the crap outta people every once in a while and have near run-ins with pedestrians, AT least i drive in my lane! The PC extravaganza will go down this summer Bumdeep, don't forget CK's map though!Who goes to the airport for lunch? I!Of course we needmy rockin tunes to get us pumped, Bly Blableive, Jack and Diane  and the GAMBLER! The powers of Kenny are being recognized all over the world....Join in, don't be afraid!
I'm quite the freak at times, but who isn't? You've all probably noticed my nice little pose... Yeah u see i get these nervous ticks and i just every once in a while whip out poses like this one... it's a severe condition that i've picked up from walking in the rain in a skirt without sandals. Being comfortable is what it's all about! Here's me for a Sweet last year! I'm normally a jeans, sweatpants, sweatshirts kinda girl! I've just recently decided that i like my legs, i know most of u think about cutting yours off, but not me! Don't worry i wasn't born with an overdose of leg, i'm no gigantor or in the words of a wise lady 

  PArties are great, just celebrated my 19th bday with a special jibby visit! No party is ever complete without the Rrennie boys! Here they are in action! I hate downtown but boy do i love Clydes!! Battle of the bands..... GO CONFUSION IN STEREO! Foozeball anytime Kelly!
The ants are gone from the house thanks to the Borax now all we need is a working washing machine! Upstairs bathroom, NEVER downstairs.  Don't be shy,walk right in Kar and Jan!But please don't look in the fridge. I wish that Sloppy Joe would stop torturing my cats..... face it they're not meant to play! You live here practically! my family is your family, your family is my family! and NO i will not play fight with u, but i will shock u with my musical knowledge!Movie theatre MAYHEM, who throws a shoe in the theatre? i mean COMMON! deo, power outtage, bombscare? we've seen it all i think! ITZAKADOOZIE!!!!!!