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Mrewff - A Rogue In Fur

((Online Roleplaying))
Ongoing Story Line
The tale of a vagabond cat, currently residing aboard a ship.
A mouser by trade, but prefers larger prey such as rats and
small children that might wander into his path.
Mrewff has left a long trail of mini-Mrewff's and Mrewff-ettes.
Last updated 20 June, 2000

Part 1

Mrewff swaggered down the gangplank, alternating between using the rail and the footway, hopping up to the one, then down to the other as desire struck. His progress was slow as he casually took in his surroundings. Humans dodged him occasionally (yes, they had better know not to expect him to move out of their way... silly people). The House on Wet had been his home for quite a while and he was ready for a little action. Planting four paws on land, he stopped to yawn, stretching his rear in the air, his chest to the ground. A human reached down to touch him. Phhfftt phhffttt, he spit and batted the hand away, once again amazed at the cheekiness of these beings. In all the lands he'd seen, he rarely saw one of them reach out to casually touch one of their own.

Muscles and bones sufficiently stretched and warmed up, he continued down the lane from the dock. Humans move so quickly, for such unimportant reasons. No mice or rats to catch. No birds to stalk. Mrewff just did not understand. He squeezed his eyes shut a bit in indifference as he strolled along. A patch of sun at the corner of a building caught his eye and lured him over. He sat on his haunches, continuously licking his paw and drawing it back and down over his ear and face. When his dark and scruffy tiger fur was a bit less sea-worn, he performed the same ritual with the other paw, the sun catching a glint of gold at his ear. With his ablutions complete, he sighed heavily and lay his body down, spreading out quite unabashedly to drink in the warmth from the yellow ball in the sky. It wasn't long before his eyes became slits and then closed altogether, his head still upright, ears ever-ready for the telltale movement of some unsuspecting prey.

He dreamed. The same dream. Rough hands tossing him into the Wet. His siblings splashing in next to him. Wet in his face. Wet in his mouth, rolling down his throat. He could hear the coughing and gurgling of his siblings suffering next to him. There wasn't even much time for panic, their little bodies too small and weak to fight long. He was about to go under when large hands scooped him up, depositing him upon a piece of rough wool.

It was always at this point that he awakened with a start, heart pounding. Glancing down to the dock where the House on Wet was he sighed, a tiny sign of contentment that he dared not let anyone know of. Except the one human he allowed into his life: The Pirate-Man with the large lifesaving hands. Mrewff squeezed his eyes shut at the memory. Thus, the unofficial agreement had been struck that Mrewff would keep the House on Wet free of vermin.

Another yawn brought Mrewff out of his reverie, his mind on something tasty. He paraded down the lane, following the luscious odors wafting from a building in the center of the village. Being a well educated street cat, he did not march in the front door, but wandered around to the back. A door was ajar, and inside was the source of the delightful scents. Moving at snail pace, he tiptoed through the door and spied a pile of plucked quail on a table. Whiskers quivering, he moved silently, his presence undetected by the human with the big knife. Ha! The Pirate-Man has knives bigger and sharper than that. With no more sound than a floating feather, Mrewff was up on the table. Catching a wing between his teeth, he dragged the denuded prey from the pile and carted it out the door, the human never once suspecting.

The great outdoors was Mrewff's banquet room, the shady place beneath a tree, his table. The taste of quail was just as delectable as its odor and soon it was demolished, a small pile of broken bones the only sign of its previous existence. A burp of satisfaction ended his meal and it was time again for grooming. He cleaned and preened and soon all evidence of the feast had disappeared. Curling up in the last patch of the day's sun, he drifted into a light sleep.

When the sun dipped below the horizon, a slight breeze ruffled Mrewff's fur and he stirred. A bit of a stretch and yawn and it was off to the House on Wet to prepare for his evening duties. Ah yes, the little vermin were lively at night. He smiled a cat smile as he trotted through the village and up the gangplank. The Pirate-Man was nowhere to be seen but that was not unusual, for he had his own prowling to do in the evenings. It was a purrfect partnership.

Part 2

Having had his fill of the vermin on the ship, Mrewff swaggered down the center of the village, casually peering about in the dark. Suddenly he was alert to sounds coming from the Big Food Place he'd visited earlier and oh so casually padded up to the door, waiting for a moment to slip right inside. He glanced very briefly up at the humans inside but didn't give them much more of his time than that. Ale was his primary goal. Ale and vermin. A perfect diet for a tough cat.

He caught a glance of a She-human bending very near to the floor wiggling her claws, but didn't pay it much attention. Instead, he was on the prowl for an abandoned tankard of ale that he could claim for his own. He wandered in and out of the tables and chairs, tail held high in the sign of a ?... looking... looking... looking... but no sign of The Pirate-Man or a tankard of ale. Deciding to settle at the hearth, he plopped down and began grooming his whiskers. He occasionally looked disdainfully about at all the humans, wondering only briefly what caused them to gather here.

Once again, the wriggling claws of the She-human caught his eye and he stopped grooming for a moment.... ahhhh, a snacky? Very, very slowly he moved towards the She-human, stopping to look around every now and then. After all, he did not wish to let them think he was easy. He sniffed at her claws briefly and looked up into her eyes, expecting more. The She-human suddenly dropped to Mrewff's level and looked him in the eye. It was a friendly face, and was speaking to him in a soft tone. She had shiny silver above her claws, pretty shiny silver.

"RaraRararararRaRa," Silver-She made noise and he had not one single clue what it was trying to say so he simply replied with a soft greeting... "mrrrw."

When Silver-She reached her hand to scratch Mrewff's ear he batted it away softly. He wanted ale, not a scritchy. He jerked back from the hand and retreated to his corner of the hearth. Besides, only one human was allowed to touch.

Suddenly curious, Mrewff examined her more closely as she spoke with one of her own. He saw an exchange of snacky between them and his ears perked up once again. He took a second look at Silver-She and realized there was something familiar about her. The Pirate-Man but Not The Pirate-Man..... ahhhh.... it may very well be the smell of The Pirate-Man but it was not him. He determined that she must be a friend of The Pirate-Man and therefore, a friend of his.

Silver-She held the snacky down and wiggled it to get Mrewff's attention. He sighed a cat-sigh, there will be no ale this eve. He decided to settle for the snack and approached it slowly. Since he could smell The Pirate-Man on her he was a bit more assured and snagged the snacky. Hunkering down to munch he watched Silver-She with great curiosity. When the last morsel had been devoured, he looked up and in that moment, caught the glint of a tankard as Silver-She put it to her mouth. Ale! She set it down and he walked around another human's ale to get to hers…. he wanted only Silver-She's. He looked up into her eyes before dipping his head into the tankard and lapping like a lush at the long awaited liquid. His gut was filled with rat, mouse, jerky and then ale, and he burped in thanks. He looked up to Silver-She once again and squeezed his eyes in contentment, deciding that it was time to return to the House on Wet. On his way out he gave her a bit of a rub against the leg…both thanking her and marking her. She grinned and bent to grab his tail lightly and slid her hand up along it.


"mrraaoowwww," he gave a little cat smile and disappeared out the door and back to his home in the House on Wet.

Part 3

Mrewff waited for a chance opening of the Big Food Place door, then slowly slipped inside. He curved slowly in and out of tables and chairs, his tail held in the usual "?." Suddenly, he stopped and raised his battle-scarred nose in the air and stiffened … a familiar smell… Pirate Man was there somewhere, he was certain of this. Relaxing his prowler stance, he continued to wander about the Big Food Place looking for a stray crumb or a tankard of ale left behind. Moving so gracefully for such a scarred and weathered ship's cat, his ears perked when he heard the Pirate Man's voice, yet he continued in search of ale. Finding a bread crumb, he leaned on his front haunches to sniff, his nose wrinkling at the unworthy snacky and he moved on.

Mrewff stopped in his tracks, spying a tankard all alone by the hearth. He looked left… he looked right… he looked up to where the Humans were. The tankard seemed to be without ownership. He stalked it as if it were prey, sneaking up on the vessel. One last look all around the Big Food Place to see if it is clear and then he dipped his head inside. Lap, lap, lap…. He drank quite noisily, stopping only for the occasional belch. His hearing blocked out the drone of the Human voices, although somehow he was aware that he was being watched and talked about at times. This did not bother him and he relaxed, knowing that he could fend for himself and also that Pirate Man would never allow harm to come to him knowingly. They had quite a partnership, they did.

Mrewff was so engrossed in the ale he was drinking that he slipped further into the tankard to get to the bottom, almost immersing his upper body. The tankard fell over, but he managed to remain fully submerged, never missing a drop. When the amber liquid had been transferred from the tankard to his stomach, he backed out of the empty container. Sitting back on his haunches he began the neverending task of grooming his whiskers, a belch still erupting now and then. Eyes at half mast, he looked around the room, hesitating for just a moment in his grooming. A contented sigh, a cat smile, and he continued to clean the ale off of his whiskers. When the grooming of sorts was complete, as complete as a scruffy sea cat could manage, he went in search of snacky.

Sauntering and perhaps staggering a bit as well, he sniffed under tables for dropped morsels. These Humans were quite sloppy, letting crumbs and tidbits escape entry from their eating holes. He spied a tasty bit of …. something … lying by a Human's foot. He carefully dodged moving and scuffling boots and snatched the snacky away, carrying it back to his place by the hearth. He hunkered down to munch, having absolutely no idea what he was eating, but found it to his liking anyway.

His evening meal had now been completed, ale, three mice, a rat and a mystery snacky. This time he gave his whiskers just a quick clean. He was quite warmed by the hearth, although the ale was probably helping also, so he sat sphinx-style and rested. He squeezed his eyes shut, a sleepy look on his face hiding his constant alertness.

Once his attention was not pointed at food and ale, he spotted Pirate Man at last. A large yawn escaped, showing teeth that were quite large, sharp and menacing. He put his head down, comforted by Pirate Man's presence. The tip of his tail covered his nose and a soft snore could be heard if one were to listen closely.

One eye opened suddenly as he noticed movement on the other side of the hearth. Alert and awake, he positioned himself to pounce when he spied a small brown mouse. Belching, he realized he was far too full to eat it… but a bit of game would be fun. His hind end wriggling in pre-pounce, his whiskers twitching, and….. POUNCE… his paw came down upon the mouse's tail. Although it squirmed and squeaked he just watched, amused. He quickly lost interest in his catch and let it go, suddenly bored. Another yawn and he returned to his nap by the hearth. A wider yawn and his tail once again covered his nose.

Mrewff spotted the Little Pirate. There were strong words between Little Pirate and Pirate Man and Mrewff's ears flattened, but he held his place. However, the disturbance was enough to wake him. He stretched slowly, first the front of his body, then his hind quarters and once again sat down to groom a bit more (it's a big job for a sea-going cat). One hind leg stretched high up into the air and he proceeded to clean quite everywhere. He stopped to look around and noted Humans leaving, but not Pirate Man and Little Pirate. He returned to his grooming and the more important things at hand… for a cat, that is.

"Bloody Cap'n," Iason laughed as he glanced over towards the cat at the hearth. "How he get in here?"

Mrewff of course heard "rarararararara" but looked up to the Pirate Man, hearing his Human-name spoken. He blinked and wandered over towards Pirate Man, giving him a rub about the legs, back and forth.

"Well well… ello there Cap'n," Iason smiled down to the cat.

Mrewff's attention was gently pulled away by Little Pirate placing a saucer on the floor and he perked his ears. He looked back up to Pirate Man and then to the saucer. He was torn between him and the bowl. Mraaaaoooowwww. Then, while Little Pirate and Pirate Man were busy giving each other clan hugs, Mrewff wandered over to the bowl and lapped away at the Sweet White. Taking it in large gulps, he finished it in no time at all… sleeping is such a thirsty-making job. A quick groom of whiskers and paws and he decided that it was time to find a nice…. patch of dirt…. outside.

Pirate Man reached down and gently tugged at Mrewff's tail in farewell. Mrewff turned around to give Pirate Man one last rub. Both Pirate Man and Little Pirate grinned after the ship's cat, Little Pirate stooping to pick up the empty dish. Mrooooaaawwooowwrrr. Surely he was saying good eve and then he wandered out the Big Food Place door. The House on Wet awaited him, his warm bed beckoning.

Part 4

Mrewff wandered the village a bit. The yellow ball in the sky was good and warm on his tattered fur. He strutted his muscular body, tail held high and proud. A girly-puss watched him from atop a stone wall and twitched the tip of her tail quite seductively at him. A bit of a cat smile turned the corners of his mouth up and he stopped, oh so casually, to give his whiskers a quick groom, not wanting to appear too eager. Grooming done, he turned to look behind him so that it appeared there were other girly-pusses he was choosing from. Playing indifference was one of his stronger traits. Stretching first, he resumed his trek towards the wall and took it in one graceful leap. This brought him nose to nose with the girly-puss. He quickly determined that her name was Sookie and that she had no plans for the next few minutes. He preened in front of her, showing his muscles and battle scars. Girly-pusses always swooned at his stories of battles with other creatures, including a particular episode with a Human that had earned him the gold earring he sported in his left ear. Pirate-Man had awarded him that piece of gold when Mrewff had foiled the attack of a would be assassin.

He flexed and stretched for Sookie's pleasure, a dance of sorts. When she was properly impressed, they scurried off behind the nearest building for a Mrewffingly good time. Ahh yes, the vagabond cat certainly had the reputation in the village and he wore it with pride. Only a few moments later, he bid the girly-puss goodbye, having already forgotten her name. It didn't matter for after a while there'd be an additional litter of mini-Mrewffs and Mrewff-ettes running about to prove he'd been there. The village cat population already showed proof of his presence over the last few months.

Such an appetite he'd worked up! He strolled around the back of the buildings and nosed behind a few piles of rubbish. Something moved. Hind end wriggling in preparation for pounce, he waited till his prey was visible and then vaulted, landing directly on the large grey rat, killing it instantly. There were no games when his stomach spoke to him so loudly. He carried the rat by its tail until he was sure he was out of sight of other cats. Or worse, those nosy, obnoxious Ruffs. Silly animals. Always slobbering about their Humans, begging for treats, asking to go outside. Really! They'd lost their hunting instinct. He shook his head in disgust and sat under a tree to eat his lunch… and a fine, fat lunch it was. He left little evidence when he sat back on his haunches for a thorough cleaning. This called for an all-over grooming and he set to work at once. First his head and whiskers, licking a paw and running it over his face, head and ears. A twist of the neck and he reached his back and sides. Bending over double, he was able to reach his full belly. Of course, sticking one hind leg in the air to groom his privates was left almost for last. To finish, he grabbed his tail and smoothed and groomed it. Ahhhh, a successful morning it had been. The tree he was under provided a bit of dappled sunlight peeking through the rustling leaves. It was a perfect place for a little snooze. Curling up in a cat-ball he covered his battered nose with the tip of his tail and fell promptly into a light sleep. A cat-nap, if you will.

It was the holler of a Ruff that finally awoke him; he lifted his head sleepily and looked about. There indeed was a big old brown Ruff hollering his fool head off at anything that moved: leaves, clouds, flies. Mrewff shook his head in disgust. Stretching languidly and then smoothing his fur, he decided it was time to return to the House on Wet. Pirate-Man would be returning there soon, also. Just for kicks, Mrewff purposely wandered quite close to the silly Ruff on his way to the docks; he needn't have done this as there was plenty of room on the lane for all, but he was primed for a good scuffle. The Ruff slobbered and panted as he spotted Mrewff, and a deep growl rumbled from his chest. A sly cat-smile on Mrewff's face should have warned the Ruff away but it being not quite intelligent, he advanced on the cat. With one quick-as-lightning slash of his right paw, Mrewff tore a chunk out of the Ruff's big black leathery nose.

"Awr, awr, awrrrrrrrrrr," he howled in pain.

"Mew," was Mrewff's innocent reply. Hmph, mess with me, eh? Another little cat-smile turned the corners of his mouth up as he pranced up the gangplank to the House on Wet. A good day of fun he'd had, and a good evening's hunt and chase was still ahead of him. Could it get any better than this?

Part 5

It was darker than the depths of the deep blue. The House on Wet was firmly docked but still rocked a bit with the tide, causing a slight ringing of a ship's bell. Mrewff's keen senses enabled him to block out these distracting sounds and sniff out the smallest of noises… that of a breathing mouse. He crouched silently; his paws firmly planted on the planks of the deck. His claws dug into the soft wood as he readied to pounce. The unsuspecting creature that was his prey was standing stock still listening for sounds of danger before it scurried towards the galley of the ship. Just two beats of its heart were the mouse's last movements as Mrewff sprang into the air and took the life out of it in one sweeping movement. It was to the mouse's benefit that the night was young, causing Mrewff ravenous hunger after a full day of napping and carousing. In other instances, the feline might have spent several minutes toying with his victim. Instead, the striped four-legged ship's mate took his dinner away to a corner to polish it off.

This was a typical evening for Mrewff on the House on Wet. His job was to rid the ship of all vermin. He was a lucky cat, since the little critters always seemed to be stowing away in some manner. Mice, rats, large bugs and the occasional unsuspecting bird kept the cat well fed and adding to this the occasional ale and scraps from the Big Food House he sometimes frequented, one might consider Mrewff to be a very well kept cat. However, he worked very hard each night, using honed senses and instincts, to capture his meals. The treats from the Big Food House were merely dessert.

His small meal finished, Mrewff was ready for a short stroll around the deck as was his evening habit. A sentry of sorts, he was loyal to Pirate Man and had proven himself so the day he'd surprised a knife-wielding raider attempting the assassination of Pirate Man. In a split second, Mrewff had jumped upon Bad Man's shoulders, digging claws in and shredding skin at the same time. Bad Man yelled in terror and bounced around trying to dislodge the angry feline, but to no avail. Mrewff dug his back claws deeper into the flesh and reached his front claws up to Bad Man's face. The final humiliation was a savage bite to Bad Man's nose… a nose that would not be used for smelling for quite some time to come. When the dust settled, Pirate Man tossed Bad Man into the very bottom of the House on Wet, with guards sitting on the hatch. In reward for his bravery, Mrewff was bestowed the ultimate honor: the piercing of his ear and a rich golden hoop inserted just like Pirate Man's. This medal of sorts was given quite ceremoniously, followed by ale and whiskey shared between the two. In a near-drunken state, Mrewff had curled up and slept by Pirate Man's side that night; this was the only time he shared a Human bed, as he was always content to sleep in any nook or cranny that could be found.

This night, Mrewff was once again on duty, guarding the House on Wet in Pirate Man's absence. Once around the deck, and it was back to hunting. Rats were scarce but several more mice and a few large beetles made up the remainder of his meal. His stomach full, his whiskers clean, he went in search of ale. This quest required a visit to the Big Food House to wander about the tables for an unattended tankard. Mrewff was not worried about coming up empty; he always got his ale, either by thievery or by pity taken upon him by a Human. His pride mattered not in this case, as his taste for brew was always the top priority and he would quench his thirst in any way possible.

Later, back aboard the House on Wet, Mrewff would find a high ledge or corner to nestle in, and would spend the rest of the night in easy slumber, still on watch for the slightest movement of prospective prey. Although his job was never done he cared not, for his job was his life; contentment and excitement might be considered at odds but for Mrewff it was a good and cherished way of life.

Part 6

Mrewff left the Big Food House after a particularly long visit combined with many slurps of ale and several snackies. He staggered a bit now and then on the way back to the House on Wet. Just as he neared the dock there was a bit of a shuffle behind him and suddenly he was scooped up and held prisoner by a pair of wrinkled hands that smelled of roses. In his drunken state, he was unable to struggle and soon passed out in his captor’s arms.

Morning came blaring in through a window and the bright light of the Yellow Ball nearly blinded him. He squinted and looked around at his very unfamiliar surroundings. Where in the name of vermin was he? Looking down, he found that he was lying on a pillow soft as a cloud. All about him were thingies on shelves and tables…little breakable thingies, ruffs and horses and other beasties, and thingies also in the shape of Humans. He had never seen so many colorful thingies the cacophony of color only served to confuse him further. His last memory of the night before was being in the arms of a very old woman Human. There was a strange sound in the room and he turned quickly to see the source - Old Woman was approaching. The kindly look on her face did not fool Mrewff; she was the warden in this prison and if not for her, he’d surely be sleeping in the House on Wet where he belonged. Ppppphhhfffffttttt! He batted strongly towards her in warning, but without his claws and still she advanced on him, murmuring and smiling. He backed away, turned and ran for the window. BOOM! THUD! He fell back on the floor: the window was closed quite tightly. The room spun and the effects of the ale from the night before took over once again. He drifted off into the bliss of unconsciousness.

The Yellow Ball was very low in the Blue when finally he awoke again, and Mrewff could see that it would soon be dark. He wondered if anyone in the House on Wet was missing him. He also wondered if the rats and mice were celebrating his absence and this made him growl softly under his breath. Turning slowly, since quick movements made his stomach lurch, he sniffed out the source of a strange fishy odor; in a bowl next to him was something brown and mushy. It made his whiskers twitch and his nose crinkle, causing a loud explosion of a sneeze. What is this … stuff? He wondered and sneered at the lump in the bowl. He rippled his fur and shook his head to dislodge the odor that was clinging to the inside of his nose. Backing away, he found a chair far away from the cloud pillow and the bowl and settled into it to survey the room and plan his escape.

Quick movement at the door caused him to turn and he could see Old Woman approaching again. This time she had a hairy Human with her. Big and hairy. Mrewff vaguely wondered if he was a mutant ruff, but he walked on two legs, not four. Big Hairy reached for Mrewff at Old Woman’s instructions and captured him in huge meaty paws. All the twisting, turning, wriggling and squirming that was within Mrewff’s abilities could not free him. A snarl, a growl and a hiss and spit spoke volumes to Big Hairy but the mutant did not let go. From his pocket, Big Hairy extracted something… something colorful…something colorful that jingled. Mrewff froze in panic; he’d seen city cats with these manacles on and it triggered something primal inside him. Big Hairy placed the Jingle Manacle around Mrewff’s neck and it was simply the last straw. With a yowl and a blur of fur, Mrewff dug his claws into flesh. He scratched and bit and put up one of his best fights he’d ever been able to muster. Big Hairy screamed in pain and let Mrewff fall to the floor as he clutched his face in agony. Mrewff wasted no time; he bolted out the door jingle jingle and ran into the streets jingle jingle and didn’t stop until he was near the dock jingle jingle jingle.

Up the gangplank he bounded and leapt to safety upon the firm deck of the House on Wet jingle jingle jingle. Breathing hard, huffing and puffing, he sat in a corner and waited for his heart to calm. Jingle jingle. Ahhh the blasted bell! He used his hind legs to scratch and claw at the manacle, his front paws pulling and twisting at the restricting band. Jingle jingle jingle. The sound was maddening! His left front paw and right hind leg were caught inside the manacle, causing his nose to be pressed tightly to his belly. Jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle. He stopped to catch his breath and then once more struggled and pushed against the shackle until at last it shot off his neck and he was free at last. Jingle. It landed on the deck a few feet away from him. He advanced on it and batted it a few times with his paw just to make sure it was dead jingle. With extreme distaste, he picked up the offending shackle in his mouth. Jingle jingle jingle. He trotted over to the side of the House on Wet. Jingle jingle. Leaning his head over the water, he let it drop. Jingle. It floated a bit and then was slowly pulled down to the bottom of the Wet. No more damned Jingle. Mrewff smiled a cat smile, a smirk, actually. He spent a long time grooming and cleaning the scent of Old Lady, Big Hairy, the bowl of yuck and the manacle from his fur. When at last he was satisfied, he went in search of food. Real food….dinner…the first he’d had in more than a day. Any mice or rats found celebrating his temporary absence would soon rue the day. A jaunty trot took him down below to begin his hunt. All was well on the House on Wet and he was in charge again.

Part 7

He walked rather stiffly down the gangplank, the wound in his side still smarting a bit. Yet he held his head high, wearing the scar like a medal. It had been a gruesome battle between Pirate Man and his people against the Big Bad Humans. Mrewff had done his part, however small it was, and was rewarded with bloodied fur. At first he thought the Sticky Red Yuck was from a Big Bad Human but he soon found it was his own. It was this sudden realization that caused him to collapse upon the wet sand.

He vaguely heard shouts and could feel flames nearby and so he forced himself to his feet. Pirate Man was lying quite still a few feet away on the sand. Pirate Man! Mrewff moved slowly and painfully to his side and collapsed once again.

It was only a few moments later that he felt himself lifted into the air and held closely in a secure arm. He opened an eye and was quite pleased to see it was his Pirate Man and he was walking, however slowly and painfully, with Mrewff in his arms. Mewww was all Mrewff could manage and he let his head sag again.

Many hours later, Mrewff lay with Pirate Man. Both wore bandages, but Mrewff wore his a bit more proudly. He was tended lovingly for a sea-going cat and fed many snackies and much ale. He began to wonder just how long he could expect this treatment when suddenly he was carried outside by Pirate Man . Ahh well, he supposed he could go play on the sympathies of the Girlie-Pusses and strut a bit for the pleasure they might give.

He took a different route from his usual and spied new things; trees to scratch on, plants to eat. Hmmm, it wasn't half bad on this side of the village. A familiar fragrance carried on the breeze stopped him in his tracks. Silver-She was near! He could tell without a doubt. He peeked through a fence and saw her sitting in a yard. He presumed it to be where she lived and was quite pleased to see her. It had been some time since they had rubbed noses. He squeezed oh-so gently through the fence and made his way towards her, looking back at his side once to be certain the bandage would be easy for her to spot.

She emitted a sound of pleasant surprise when she caught sight of him and picked him up to rub his nose. A rare occurrence, but she did cause him to purr. He could see and feel her inspecting his bandage and making appropriate sounds of concern. He closed his eyes and basked in the attention. She stroked and skritched him till he was near sleep. Oh, forget Girlie-Pusses, he knew he was in love with Silver-She! He wondered why she didn't join them on the House on Wet since Pirate Man seemed so fond of her also. He shrugged his fur a bit and settled in for a long cuddle and a pet. What a wonderful afternoon this was proving to be! For a long time he lay there and allowed her to feed him snackies and shower him with affection. A cat sigh escaped his lips. This was indeed the life. He decided that he simply must have a cat-to-pirate discussion with Pirate Man about this lovely Silver-She but for now, he simply leaned into it and enjoyed. The rats and mice and other vermin aboard the House on Wet would have to wait this eve. Skritches, cuddles and hand-fed snackies were the priority.

Visit my other sites:

Starrling's Nest

Starrling's Flight (another online roleplaying story line)

Mo (another online roleplaying storyline)