~*~Wolf Poems~*~

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Also you may NOT COPY ANY OF THIS MATERIAL, AT ALL!! Copying of this may lead prosecution under federal copyright laws. Again, all poems and writings below, ((unless other wise stated)) are items which I have personally authored. Please do not use them in anyway, shape, or form, unless you request and are given permission from me. Thank you for understanding.
-Spirit Wolf

~~~~~~~~~Soul Mate~~~~~~~~~

His heart fell from the heavens,
And blessed this torn soul,
Together they place the broken pieces of their
Shattered past as one again,
Their spirit’s sing a wonderful song of joy,
For we may overcome any and all obstacles,
With one another,
We live only with each other.

-=Spirit Wolf=-

~~~~~~~~~~Little Ones~~~~~~~~~~

A distant howl is herd across the tundra,
The sound shaking the ground like wild thunder,
Wolves join in a chorus of joy,
For pups have arrived, great howls they deploy,
As the little ones come out to greet their first day,
Emerging to meet the pack, always wanting to play,
New scents, sounds, faces, and skills they must know,
For soon the alpha pair howl a warning, "Soon it will snow!"
Young wolf pups must grow husky and strong,
As the winters here, are cold and long,
The little wolf pups smile and giggle,
Small bones they chew on and nibble,
Not a worry in their hearts,
Not a worry in their souls, their lives just beginning to start,
Yet with the leaders these young ones have, wise and much alive,
Food will be plentiful, guaranteed, they will all survive.

-=Spirit Wolf=-

~~~~~~~~~~Wolf Magic~~~~~~~~~~

I am the night,
I am the Day,
You hear my call from far away,
When I speak it reaches and touches your soul,
When I gaze into your eyes,
My wolf eyes can see through you,
Your secrets, deep, dark, so full of life,
Yet they can calm any painful pain of mine or yours,
The spirit oƒ the Wolƒ lives on and on,
Though you may not see me,
I am there,
I am the defender of all, the protector oƒ the land and animals,
I stand for all that is right, and never wrong,
And yes there is a such thing as Wolƒ magic,
Its all around,
In the sky, the ground, the sea, the lakes, rivers and creeks,
All's you have to do is believe.

-=Spirit Wolf=-

~~~~~~~~~~~Night Time Lullaby~~~~~~~~~

As the sun sets, and darkness falls upon the restful earth,
A sound breaks the silence,
A sound that calm's the wind down to a whisper,
A sound which even the crickets have stopped and listen to,
The night time lullaby hypnotizes's the land and animals,
As it settels in as a calm sence of silence,
When the howl hits,
It fills your body with an undescribable feeling,
A feeling that shocks the body and place's it in a possition of calmness.
Go out, here this call, for it to as well as most of the tenderness of nature, shall be no more,
We must stop the killing of the earth and try to heal all and make it right again.

-=Spirit Wolf=-

~~~~~~~~~~~The Wolf Pack~~~~~~~~~~~

I listened for a voice crying in the wilderness, and I heard the howl of wolves,
You see, it takes more than just one wolf to make a song,
One wolf can howl,
But many wolves can make that howl into a song of the wild.
There togetherness and companionship for each other is what creates the pack,
And within the wolf pack, protection and comfort is always provided,
We hunt together,
We all feel pain together,
We live together,
We protect together,
We breath life into the wolf pack,
We are, The Wolf Pack.

-=Spirit Wolf=-
~~~~~~~~~~~The Lone Wolf~~~~~~~~~

I am here though you can not see me,
I can touch though you can not feel me,
I am alone, and you are many,
I wander places no human eye can imagine,
I am an independent soul and spirit,
I travel as one,
I am the lone wolf,
what do I search for?
How about a home,
A family,
A pack of my own,
A nice peacful den,
Filled with hope that I can and shall live to see another frost bitten day, Another dark sky littered with stars,
I am the lone wolf,
And maybe someday I will hunt with the pack and be with my family again.

-=Spirit Wolf=-
~~~~~~~~~~~Dancing Spirit~~~~~~~~~~~~

Your soul and spirit dances on the sunset light,
Like a flame dances on it's wick,
You never die,
You never fall,
Forever still,
Love may set you free,
Or it may chain you to the floor with no key.
As pure as the mist from the forest floor,
Is your soul,
All good,
Never evil.
You seek a path in the road that is never there,
You must travel farther then before to reach your goal,
Never follow the common path,
But always go where there is no path and leave a trail.

-=Spirit Wolf=-

~~~~~~~~Wolf's Final Howl~~~~~~~~

Death brings sleep to all,
Even the great do fall,
You cannot stop the change,
No more than you can stop the crikets from humming at night,
You are gone but not lost,
It doesn't have to be this way, I still could be alive,
But no matter,
My soul is free,
And my spirit is here to be,
I'm in the hearts of all who knew me,
But now I'm just a dream,
Faded magic,
But still in the minds of all,
I shall stay.
As I tilt my head towards the heavens,
Close my wolf eyes,
Then I yell my final howl to the night.

-=Spirit Wolf=-

~~~~~~~~~Wolf Mates~~~~~~~~

Soft white snow now covers the ground.
A female wolf treads softly back to her loving mate
Something warm and loving soft to cling to in her harsh world
Life is made bearable with him and all is then made well
But soon shall she know that what she knew is lost to her
As she returns her spirit abruptly dies
Her mate lies before her in a snowy grave
Red streaks stain the snow around him, leading her eye to him
His heart which beat so fondly now is silent within his once proud chest
His organs which provided survival are spread about the scene haphazardly.
Man had taken his life
Gentle, quiet snows drift from the sky
So foreign it appears in the wolf's collapsing world
Her love is dead, and his body stretched before her as proof
She stands half of what she used to be, alone, with her mate
Lifting her white muzzle to the sky she sings a story Of love, time, man, injustice, hate, death, and of a battle of life far beyond comprehension.

~ author Silent Wolf ~

~~~~~~~~~My Soul Upon the Wind~~~~~~~~

The wind carrieth my soul o'er the breeze
Passing through the wooded trees.
Flying high, or flying low,
Wherever the wind decideth to go.

- Sierra Wolf

Another Quote: "There is no excuse for cruetly but this world can be cruel. There is no excuse for hate, but people do hate, there is no reason for non acceptance, but there are those who fear the different."

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