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Welcome to Jen, Summer & Bodie's Webpage

The kids and I are currently living in Arvada and enjoying being back in a bigger city. We are excited for spring to be here so that we can spend more time outside. There is a great park across the street that we try to visit often. I am taking some continuing education classes through the University of Colorado and studying hard for the PE test in April. I am really enjoying staying home with the kids and getting to watch them grow and learn.

Summer is almost 3 now. She is constantly in motion; running and jumping and doing summersaults. She's excited for preschool to start.

Bodie is getting bigger every day. He's learning to walk and it won't be long until he keep up with his sister. He loves swinging at the park and going for walks.


Easter Pictures (2005)
More Easter Pictures
Pictures of Summer (Birth - 1 Year)
Pictures of Summer (1 - 2 Years)
Pictures of Bodie (Birth - now)

Becky & Rick Clutter's Page

Last Updated: March, 2005
