PART 4: SOKKA DEETO (Soccer Date) by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: The hallway, then the field Ken: ::dribbling the ball:: Sayoko: ::kicks it away from him:: :-P Ken: !! ::chases after her:: Sayoko: Waha! ::dribbles it away:: Ken: ::still chasing, swipes it away:: Sayoko: !! Hey!! Come back here! ::runs after him, makes a dive for his feet:: Ken: O.o! Sayoko: ::tackles him, making a swipe for the ball:: Ken: O.o Hey-! ::chases:: Sayoko: ::grins, runs:: Ken: ::chases, reaches to grab her:: Sayoko: ::keeps running, trying to get away:: Ken: ::grabs for her arm:: Sayoko: ::feels something grab her arm:: ?! Ken: ::kicks the ball away:: Sayoko: Hey!! ::runs after him:: Ken: ::keeps going, laughing:: Saoko: ::sprints up and tackles him:: Ken: Oof! ::falls:: Sayoko: ::falls too, still hanging on to him:: ! Ken: o.o! ::rolls so he's on his back:: Daijoubu?? Sayoko: ::clunk:: Hai... ^^;; Ken: ::helps her up:: ^_^;; Sayoko: Thank you. ::is all muddy now:: Ken: Ara... ::is too:: Wanna head back? Sayoko: To? Ken: I don't know.. Sayoko: ::shrugs:: Why don't you come on back to the dorm? You can clean up there, if you want. ::eyes him up and down:: {*.*} Ken: Okay... thanks... Sayoko: Hey, if you don't want to, you can refuse. Ken: No, really. I'd like to see your dorm besides the door. ^.^; Sayoko: ::looks a little offended:: Taya didn't let you in to wait?? Ken: I think she was busy. ^_^;;;; Sayoko: ::pauses for a moment:: ...Ah. It's really a pain to have a roommate that does stuff like that. Ken: It's alright. ^_^; Youji-kun does that too. Sayoko: Your roommate? Ken: Co-worker.. we live in the same building. Sayoko: That's kind of cool. ::starts walking:: You live alone, then? Ken: Yeah. But that's okay. Sayoko: Having a roommate's kind of a pain, but it's nice to have company sometimes. ::shrugs:: Ken: ::nods, heading back to the dorm with her:: Sayoko: ::nearing the building:: ..Can I ask you something? Ken: Sure. Sayoko: ..Why'd you actually come back to see me? Really. (Or do you meet girls at clubs then take them to play soccer often?) Ken: 'Cause you told me to. ^_^; (I never go to clubs..) Sayoko: ::rolls her eyes:: Goodbye courtesy. I never figured you'd actually *do* it. (Me neither.) Most guys would've figured be for a psycho and left it at that. Ken: I'm the dependable one. ^_^v Sayoko: ::laughs:: That's nice to know. So seriously, you only came because I gave you my address? Ken: I wanted to get to know you better too. ^_^; Sayoko: .... ::is silenced, blushes a little:: ..Just curious. Ken: ::looks down:: Gomen. ^_^; Sayoko: ::shakes her head:: Not at all. ^.^ Here's my building. ::opens the door, lets them in:: Taya: ::drinking a cup of coffee:: o.o? Sayoko: Hey Taya. ::points to the left:: Bathroom's that-a-way. If you want to borrow a shirt, there are probably a few in my bottom drawer that'll fit you. Taya: O.o ::goes to Sayoko, whispers:: you brought home a guy?! (and THAT guy?!) Ken: Arigatou.. ::heads to the bathroom:: Sayoko: We got muddy playing soccer. (He's cute^^) Taya: Mm-hmm. (He's no Yotan, but he's got a cute bu-) Sayoko: ::elbows her in the stomach:: Taya: What?! He does! ::makes a pinching motion with her fingers:: >) Sayoko: (I know. But he's mine.^^) Hey! None of that now! Taya: (Called dibs on him? I'm surprised at you.) ::keeps pinching the air:: >D I dare you to go in the bathroom and pinch him. Sayoko: Hell no. The drawer should be enough. >D (What's so surprising about that?) Taya: Ohh.. ^.~ I gotcha. (You're so pure and virginal...) Sayoko: >D (-.-;) ::heads off to her closet, all muddy, to change clothes:: Ken: ::comes out of the bathroom in his muddy pants, towel-drying his hair:: Anou... ::has a few scars:: Taya: ::whistles:: ^.~ Sayoko: ::sticks her head out of the closet, wearing pants and a bra:: Hm? (Taya!!) Ken: ::stammers:: Um.. um... Taya: What? ::eyeing Ken with an appreciative eye:: Nice scars. Sayoko: ::looks down:: {Shit.} ::pulls on her shirt, steps out of the closet:: Yes? (TAYA!) Ken: ^_^;; Where're the shirts again? Taya: Bottom drawer! >D (What? I was merely commenting on his scars.. Yotan has a lot too.) Sayoko: Bottom drawer. ::points to a chest of drawers:: Ken: Okay.. ::bends:: Taya: ::giggles:: Sayoko: ::smirks only slightly:: ::looks down again:: {Dammit.} ::goes to change her shirt again:: Ken: Ah, a shirt-- ::holds up a bra:: O.O Sayoko: ::leans out of the closet again:: *Left* side of the drawer. Ken: Oh! ::pink, searches the other side of the drawer:: ^_^; Sayoko: ::smirks:: Ken: ::holds up a shirt:: Will this work? Sayoko: ::takes a brief glance:: Sure. Ken: ::pulls it on:: Sayoko: ::looks only mildly let down:: ^.^;; ::reaches over and pulls some socks out of the same drawer:: I'd offer you pants, but... Taya: (Hey, I think Youji left a pair of his-) Sayoko: ::nods:: (No!) Ken: I will NOT wear Youji's pants. (They're too tight. ~.~) Sayoko: I should hope not. (That's not somewhere we need to go, thanks.) Ken: (Besides, they're ugly.) I won't sit on the furniture.. Sayoko: ::shrugs:: It's fine. Take a seat wherever you want. Ken: But my pants are muddy.. Sayoko: It's not a big deal. I wouldn't make you stand. Ken: ::sits on the floor:: Sayoko: ::rolls her eyes:: Want anything to drink? Ken: No thanks. Sayoko: ::aims a pointed look at Taya:: Taya: ::holds up her coffee cup:: >D Why don't you offer Ken-kun some coffee..? Sayoko: ::throws a "stress-ball" at her:: Out! Out! Taya: Oi! Sayoko: Out! Taya: This is my room too! ::throws it back:: Sayoko: ::glares, catches it:: Ahem. Taya: =P I was just saying.. gee. Sayoko: ::turns to Ken, sweetly:: Would you like some coffee? Ken: .. Okay... Sayoko: ^^;; ::goes up to get some:: Taya: >D ::sneaks out:: Sayoko: ::comes back, notices Taya's gone:: So... I suppose I've succeeded in utterly frightening you. Ken: Frightening? Sayoko: You don't think I either belong in or live in some kind of institution by now? Ken: Nah. ^_^; Sayoko: ::raises her eyebrow:: Seriously? ::hands him coffee:: I'm impressed. Ken: You'd probably think the same of me if you saw where I live.. Sayoko: I'm sure not. ::sips coffee:: ::seats herself on her bed:: Ken: You've got one roommate. I've got three co-workers. One who's like Taya but WORSE (and happens to be dating her), one who disappears, and one who runs up the phone bill with his damn internet. Sayoko: And you? What's your quirk? Ken: I'm the only one who actually likes my job. Sayoko: (That's not so bad. At least you have your own place.) Ken: (Mm.) Sayoko: Sounds to me like you don't have it so bad. Ken: ^_^; Sayoko: ^.^ ::sighs:: Ken: Daijoubu? Sayoko: Yeah, m'fine. Tired. (I didn't sleep much last night.) You? Ken: ::stretches:: Fine. I run on little sleep. Sayoko: Lucky you. ::yawns, blinks:: I've got a ton of homework, too. Ken: Homework? ::blinks:: Sayoko: This is a dorm. I go to school. ::points out the window:: Ken: Oh. Sayoko: Ever go to college? Ken: ::shakes his head:: Sayoko: Why not? Ken: I went straight to pro.. Sayoko: D'you ever regret that decision? Ken: ... Sometimes. Sayoko: Sometimes?. Ken: Well, I dunno. Sayoko: ::looks at him questioningly, then shrugs:: I sometimes wonder if it's worth it, that's all. Ken: I... couldn't really say. ::noticing the rather large piles of complex- looking books; makes an attempt to change the subject::....What d'you study? Sayoko: Advanced math, physics....some writing, but more science and math. Ken: Hontou? That's a lot.. o.o; A lot more than I know. ^_^; Sayoko: It's certainly not easy to juggle... (now you know why I have no life. ^^;) But really, it's not too difficult. Next semester, I get to take some computer courses, which should be fun. Ken: Aa.. Omi-kun does a lot of computer work.. Sayoko: He's one of your co-workers? Ken: ::nods:: Sayoko: That's neat. I'd like to meet him sometime. Ken: You should come by some time, meet all of 'em. Sayoko: That wouldn't disturb your work...? Ken: Nah, not at all. Sayoko: I'd like that, then. I'll come by. Ken: ^_^ Sugoi! Sayoko: ^.^ Ken: ::whisper:: but just to make aya-kun happy, you might have to buy something. Sayoko: At the flower shop? Ken: Yeah. ^_^;; Sayoko: ::nods good-naturedly:: Okay. Ken: ^_^ Sayoko: So... why do you work in a flower shop? Ken: I like flowers. ::looks a little sheepish:: And it's good money. Sayoko: A flower shop? That's surprising. Ken: We get a lot of people coming back. ^_^; Sayoko: You must be good salesmen. Ken: Maybe. Sayoko: To get as many customers as you imply...? Ken: They think we're handsome. ^_^;; That's why they come so often. Sayoko: ::smirks, then laughs:: I can see that. Ken: Ore? ::looks alarmed:: Iya.. Sayoko: ^.^ Sure! Ken: They all want to see Aya and Youji. Sayoko: I'm sure you've got your own fanbase. Ken: Not really.. ^_^; Sayoko: ::rolls her eyes:: You're just being modest. Ken: ::shrugs:: Sayoko: ::sighs, goes on to the next topic:: So, when can I see you at the shop? What hours do you work? Ken: We're open during the day, but sometimes we'll take a holiday. Sayoko: You work *everyday*? Ken: Pretty much. The other guys like to flake out a lot. Sayoko: I know how that can be. Ken: Especially Youji... Sayoko: Out with girls a lot? Ken: Or sleeping until afternoon. Sayoko: ::nods:: He and Taya are quite a pair. SMercury12: I'll bet. Sayoko: (Whistling pile of laundry.) Ken: (... I don't think I want to know.) ::checks his watch:: I better head back.. Sayoko: ::looks at the clock:: And I should start studying for my physics test tomorrow.... Ken: ::stands:: So... you'll come by sometime? Sayoko: ::nods:: Absolutely. Ken: ::grins:: And I'll have to give you your shirt back.. Sayoko: Yup. Ken: ... Well, ja matta... Sayoko: ::leans over and kisses his cheek:: Ja! Ken: ::blinks, kisses her cheek back:: Matta.. ::grabs his soccer ball, waving as he goes:: Sayoko: ::waves:: (owari part four)