PART 22: SUMMONS by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: Taya and Sayoko's apartment Taya: ::looking through her mail:: ... Oh, how terrible... Sayoko: ::opens the door:: Tadaima! Taya: (Here's a Christmas card for you, Sayoko. And one for me... and another for me.. and...) Sayoko: ::opens it:: Naosu! How nice..! Taya: ::opens up some of hers, and a normal-looking letter:: .... Sayoko: ::looks up, notices Taya going mildly pale:: ...Daijoubu? Taya: he died... Sayoko: ::blinks, pales:: ...Who? Taya: My first boyfriend.. the one I ::blush::.. well... Sayoko: Aaah. Say no more. Taya: He's dead.. ::sits:: Sayoko: .... ::puts a hand on her shoudler:: I'm...sorry. Taya: I can't believe it.. Sayoko: ::nods:: .... Taya: ::unfolds more of the letter with shaking hands:: ... O.o Sayoko: ::questioning look:: ..? Taya: He... left me... money... ::shows her:: Sayoko: ::reads:: Wow...... Taya: ::blinking:: Sayoko: ::glances at the name/addy/etc:: America...? Taya: ::nods:: Sayoko: ..... Taya: He was an exchange student for a year when I was a junior ^.^; ::in English:: "That's why I take English now". Sayoko: Aah. Did he stay with you...? ::blinks, slowly translating:: ...Aa. Taya: ^.^; He stayed at someone else's house, but he visited a lot. Sayoko: ::nods:: Did you keep in touch after he left? Taya: A little... we broke up before he left, and we wrote letters once in a while... heeh, he was my hatsukoi.. ^^;; Sayoko: Kawaii... Taya: Heh. Sayoko: So.. ::almost doesn't ask:: ...How'd he die? Taya: Looks like he got sick... 6.6;; Sayoko: ::notices her look:: ... Taya: Cancer or something. Sayoko: ::nods:: ... Taya: ... i should have talked to him more.. Sayoko: ..... Taya: ::sighs:: Sayoko: ::gives her a hug:: It's okay.... Taya: I guess the best thing to do is... go to America. Sayoko: ::wide eyes:: Pardon? Taya: That way I can make peace with him (and I've got the money now ::waves the paper::) Sayoko: ::nods:: ...I understand. (.....-.-...) Taya: .. D'you want to come too? Sayoko: Me? Taya: ::nodnod:: Sayoko: …Are you sure? Really? Taya: ::nods:: You're my friend.. my only friend. Sayoko: (Aya and Youji...) ...I'd be honored, really. Taya: (They.. don't... really.. count... that way...) ^.^ Sayoko: (...Oh.) ::smiles:: Taya: ^.^ And we can probably take the guys too... we'll have to buy swimsuits!! Sayoko: ....Okay, you lost me there. Taya: ::points:: "Ha-wa-ii". Sayoko: Aa, sou ne. Taya: ^.^ Sayoko: Sounds nice. Taya: Un! Sayoko: ...You okay? About this? Taya: Un. Sayoko: Okay.... Taya: ::yawn:: Sayoko: Get some sleep; you look tired. We can make plans in the morning. Taya: Arigatou... ::pads off to bed:: Sayoko: ::nods, plops down on the coach, just staring at the wall:: Setting: Later, in the Weiss apartment building Taya: So, whaddaya say, Aya-kun? How do you feel about Hawaii? Aya: ::a bit taken aback by the whole thing:: ....All right. Taya: ^.^! (You're not upset because it's partially because of an oldboyfriend..?) Aya: (...No. I understand what it's like to lose someone..) Taya: ::smiles softly:: arigatou. Aya: ::nods, cautiously hugs her:: Taya: ::hugs him back:: Aya: ::smiles…just a little:: Taya: ::kisses his cheek:: Aya: ::kisses her cheek:: Taya: ::rests her head on his shoulder:: Aya: ::just…holds her:: Later... Taya: So Hawaii sound okay to you, Youji? Youji: ::thinking of all the scantily clad women there are on beaches:: Yes. Taya: ...(Clean thoughts don't kill, you know.) Youji: (Eh.) When do you plan to leave? Taya: Three days. Youji: ::blinks:: That's soon. Taya: ::shrug:: Youji: I'm there. ^.~ Taya: o.o; Youji: Nanda? Taya: Nothing. (I just don't like that look.) Youji: (::does it again:: ^.~) Taya: o.o; Youji: Call me if anything changes, ne? Taya: Uh-huh. Youji: Ja! Still later... Taya: Omi, you're coming to Hawaii or I'll shove you in my suitcase. Omi: o.o? Taya: ^.^ No choice. Omi: ....hai? Taya: Alright. ^.^ {I'll leave asking Ken to Sayoko.} Sayoko: ::sitting at home, reading... a physics book:: .... Taya: ... {What the hell, while I'm here...} ::knocks on Ken's door:: Ken: ::opens:: Haai? Taya: ^.^ Come to Hawaii or die. Ken: o.o ...Anou.... naze? Taya: Because. Ken: ....When? Taya: Three days. Ken: ::wide eyes:: ...Soon. Taya: ::looks him straight in the eye:: It's for an ex-boyfriend's funeral. Ken: ::falls silent:: Aah. ::solemnly:: I'll come. (owari part twenty two)