PART 17: HOUSE ARREST by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: The wharf (Isn't "Worf" a Star Trek character?) Taya: ::looking at all the fish stands:: Hmm... Fish vendor: That's a nice, fresh catch.. ::points:: Taya: Noo.. I'm looking for something really special... Fish vendor: This is... fish. Taya: No... Fish vendor: ::eyes her:: Some nice fish'll be coming in near the end of the day.... Taya: Really?? ::claps her hands:: Sugoi! I'll be here then! Fish vendor: ::nods, smiles:: I'll look forward to your business. Taya: Arigatou gozaimashita~! Fish vendor: ::smiles at her:: Dou itashimashite. Taya: ::heads off, happily:: Vendor: ::evil thoughts:: Ken: Dum dee dooo... hey, there goes Taya... Aya: ::watches the vendor, and Taya:: ... Ken: ::eyes the vendor:: ... Aya: ::looks at Ken:: ... Ken: ::looks back at Aya:: Aya: {...Don't look at me like that you weirdo.} Ken: ::scratches the back of his head:: (What the hell're you thinking about?) Aya: .... Ken: What d'you think? Aya: ::silent:: Ken: ..Aren't you going to go after Taya? Aya: It's best she knows I wasn't here. Ken: Demo, she's your girlfriend- Aya: ::just *glares* at him:: Ken: ..? Aya: ::silent:: Ken: She's not..? Aya: ....She's something. But she doesn't have to know I'm here.. Ken: You should at least warn her.. Aya: ...Tell Sayoko to keep her home. I don't want her to think I'm shadowing her. Ken: Hm... demo, you could just warn her that the wharf's dangerous after dark... then she wouldn't know... Aya: She wouldn't take it from me. Ken: But if she's your.. something.. then she'd listen to you... (She doesn't listen to Sayoko.) Aya: Taya's... not your average girl. Right or wrong, she believes she can protect herself. Ken: =/ Aya: Exactly. (...Why I am I talking about my girlfriend with you?) Ken: (So she IS your girlfriend!) Aya: (-.-;) Ken: (^_^ It's okay, I won't tell.) Aya: (-.- ...You're just lucky I'm having a *good* hair day.) Ken: (I won't tell! Hey, it's me!) Aya: (::silent::) Ken: (O-kay..) ... *psst* Aya. Aya: Nn? Ken: I don't like this part of town, not even in the light.. Aya: Neither do I. Go tell Sayoko, ne? Ken: ::nods, goes:: Setting: Taya and Sayoko's "pad" (Woohoo~) Ken: ::knocking on the door, urgently:: Sayoko: ::comes to the door:: Ken? Ken: I need to talk to you-- Is Taya here? Sayoko: Yeah, she came in a minute or two ago... why? Ken: Bring her in here... Sayoko: ::calls:: Taya!! Someone here to talk to you... Taya: If it's Youji, throw a boot at him-- ::comes inside:: Oh.. Ken..! Sayoko: Should I stay, or go...? Ken: You stay. Sayoko: ::stays:: Ken: ::more serious than either of them has ever seen him:: Sit down.. Sayoko: ::worried:: ..Ken-kun? Ken: Please. Sayoko: ::sits:: Taya: ::sits:: Sayoko: ::waits:: Ken: There's been news of an escaped killer around town... who especially likes dark-haired girls... you two should stay inside tonight. Taya: Demo, the fish-- Ken: Safety's more important than fish. Sayoko: ....::nods:: Ken: Please... ::voice trembling:: Stay inside tonight. Sayoko: ::hasn't seen Ken like this; is kind of freaked out:: ...Yeah, we'll stay in. Ken: Arigatou... if you need me... let me know. Sayoko: What's your #? Ken: ::writes it down:: Here's my number.. and here's my pager. {Aya will KILL me if he finds out I gave them my Weiss pager number..} ..And here's Aya's. Sayoko: ::takes the paper:: Thank you... Ken: ::hugs her close:: take care, alright? Sayoko: ::nods, kisses him brefly:: Ken: ::kisses back:: s'ki da. Sayoko: S'ki da yo. You take care too, hm? Ken: ::nods:: Taya: Cut the saccharin. Sayoko: ::glares breifly:: ... Ja, Ken-kun. Ken: ::kisses again:: Take care.. lock the doors. Sayoko: ::nods, sees him out:: Ken: ::waves:: Sayoko: ::closes and locks the door:: ::turns to Taya:: ... Taya: What? (I'm not cancelling dinner with Aya..) Sayoko: You're staying here. Taya: Demo-!! Sayoko: ::stares her straight in the eye:: Taya: ::stares back:: ... I'll call Aya... Sayoko: ::nods:: Taya: ::picks up the phone:: Sayoko: ::heads to the next room to do.. something:: Taya: ::dials:: Sayoko: ::listening in:: Taya: ::waits:: Aya: Good day... Taya: Aya-kun! Aya: I am out at the moment. Leave your name and phone number, and I will try to get back to you. Thank you. Taya: GODDAMMIT!! .. Um... this is Taya... hi... I... me... ::says her number:: S'ki da... I'll be home tonight... if you're up for instant noodles, drop by.. s'ki da, Aya-kun.. ::hangs up:: Sayoko: ::comes back in the room, hands her a cup:: Tea? Taya: No... Sayoko: ... ::takes the cup back:: Okay then. Taya: Some Christmas.. ::kicks her chair:: ... Fuck. Sayoko: ::sits down:: It's not so bad. Taya: I have to call my fucking family. Sayoko: Yeah, me too. Taya: You wanna go first? Sayoko: Not really, no. Taya: Fine. I'll call first. ::dials her home number:: {Fuck.} Woman's voice: Hello, Makimura residence. Taya: Kaa-san? It's Taya. Taya's Mother: Good afternoon, Taya. Taya: Merry Christmas~ ::trying to sound cheery:: Taya's Mother: Merry Christmas to you also. Are you well? Taya: Yes... I... I quit smoking. Taya's Mother: ::shocked silence:: ...That's good to hear. Taya: How's nee-chan..? Taya's Mother: She's on another precedent-setting case, of course. And oh yes, she's going to have another baby... Taya: ... That's great... just great. Taya's Mother: Of course. Are your studies going well? Taya: Hai... Art history's fine.. I'm doing really well in English... Taya's Mother: And mathematics? Taya: I'm not taking math... Taya's Mother: I thought we talked about this. It's an important foundation to have in your education... Taya: I'm not even majoring in math, Kaa-san... It's not what I'm interested in. I told you, I want to be in the arts- Taya's Mother: I realize that (your father and I remain upset..), but it's an important part of *any* education. Your sister took everything through Advanced Calculus 5. Taya: I'm not my sister!! Taya's Mother: We understand that... but don't resent her. Feel *lucky* you have such a strong role model... Taya: I don't resent *her*, I resent the comparisons and expectations you have of me. Why can't you let me be my own person? I don't want to be a lawyer with a suit-wearing husband, I want to be an artist with a husband who wears an orange sweater! {..Where the hell did that come from??} Taya's Mother: We just want what's best for *you*, Taya... Taya: You don't even know me. Taya's Mother: You're *our* daughter, Taya... Taya: But you don't *know* me. You can't make my decisions for me. I'm not a little girl who can't decide what she wants to do with her life. I know what I want and I don't care what you and Tou-san think. Taya's Mother: ::silent:: ...You know we're only trying to help you be successful. Taya: I'd rather be a happy failure than a depressed success... ::sighs:: Give Tou-san and Nee-chan and Kimiko-chan a kiss for me, alright? Merry Christmas. Taya's Mother: Merry Christmas, Taya. We love you. ::click:: Taya: ::hangs.. no, slams the phone down:: K'so. Sayoko: ::walks in the room at the sound of a slam:: Not too much fun with the family, eh? Taya: Your turn. ::grabbing her scarf:: Sayoko: Hey, where're you going? Taya: Out. Sayoko: You've got to stay here... you heard Ken... Taya: I'm going to Aya's. He'll watch out for me. Sayoko: What if he's not there? Taya: I'll come home, then. ::unlocking the door:: Sayoko: Taya, stay here... Taya: I'm going. Sayoko: *Taya*. Aya *wants* you to stay here; Ken said so. Taya: Demo... Sayoko: ::looks at her:: Taya, please? I've never seen Ken-kun like that... it's very serious... Taya: ::sits, sulking:: FINE. ... ::stomps off into the bedroom:: Sayoko: ::calls after her:: Thank you-- Taya: Bite me. Sayoko: No thank you. (The call home will suffice.) ::stares at the phone:: .... Phone: ::surprisingly ominous for such an innocent device:: Sayoko: ::picks up the phone and dials home:: {Damn it all to hell.} Brother 1: ::picks it up:: hei, beibii... Sayoko: -.-; It's Sayoko, Noroi. Noroi: ... Damn. Hi. Sayoko: Merry Christmas.... don't worry, I won't tie up the phone long. Noroi: Yeah, yeah... Merry Christmas. Sayoko: ::sighs:: How've you been? Noroi: Good. Sayoko: Great. Lemme talk to Naosu real quick. Noroi: Yeah, here he is- Naosu: Hey! Sayoko: Hey. It's Sayoko. Naosu: How ya doin'? Sayoko: Pretty good, thanks. You? Naosu: Yeah, Noroi's being a pain in the ass- Noroi (off): NO I'M NOT! Sayoko: I'm not too suprised. Doing okay in everything? Naosu: Yeah... having a good break. We're going skiing in a few days. Sayoko: That sounds fun. Just you two, or mom and dad too? Naosu: Mom an' Dad too. Sayoko: Have a good time... Naosu: Yeah... how're you spendin' Christmas? With your books? Sayoko: Yeah, pretty much.... ::decides not to mention Ken:: Naosu: Noroi's already on the lookout for his New Year's kiss... Sayoko: I'm somehow unsurprised....what about you? Naosu: Eh, I'm fine. I'm still seeing Rika... Sayoko: ::smiles despite herself:: Things going well there? Naosu: Aa! Sayoko: That's good to hear. {Thank god for my one sane family brother....} Naosu: Na, you want to talk to Mom or Dad? Sayoko: ::sighs:: Sure. Naosu: Merry Christmas! Sayoko: Merry Christmas. Love ya. Naosu: Love you too, Nee-chan! Take care! Sayoko: You too! ::gets ready to talk to parents:: .... Sayoko's Mother: Hello? Sayoko: Hi Mom. Merry Christmas. Sayoko's Mother: Well, Merry Christmas, Sayoko. Sayoko: Things going well... there...? Sayoko's Mother: Yes, we're getting ready for the ski trip, and we're all having a nice day. Sayoko: That's good to know..... Sayoko's Mother: We haven't heard from you in quite some time. Are you well? How are your studies? Sayoko: Yeah, I'm fine. School's fine too.... Sayoko's Mother: That's good to hear. Sayoko: Yeah... umm.... so, Merry Christmas. Sayoko's Mother: Merry Christmas. Sayoko: Bye, Mom. ::hangs up:: Taya: ::sulking, eating Pocky:: Sayoko: ::wanders into her room:: Thank God for Naosu. Taya: At least you've got one decent family member. (The only one I like is the baby.) Sayoko: May I remind you, it's *only* one. (...) Taya: (In my family. My sister's baby. That's the only one I like.) My parents are freaks, my sister's decent but pretty much has her head up her ass. Sayoko: (How old?) Try living with a hormonal Youji-kun. Taya: Hey, now, that's not that bad. (Ummmm... almost a year. ^^ Sweet little thing.) Sayoko: Would you honestly want to live with someone who goes through girls like Youji? I have to share a wall with him. >.< (Aww..) Taya: ::face falls a little:: Not especially... ::looks down:: (Yeah.) Sayoko: Hey, I didn't mean it like that..... Taya: Yeah, I know.. it.. still hurts, though. Sayoko: ::mumbles:: M'sorry.... Taya: It's not your fault. It was mine for being suckered into that... but still.. he made me feel special. Sayoko: ::nods:: Taya: And... as soon as I stood up for something I believed in, it was over. Sayoko: I wish I had something good to say... it's a "personality".... Taya: ::sighs:: Sayoko: ::stares at the wall:: I'm glad Naosu's not like him... Taya: Mm. Sayoko: ::sighs:: Christmas's a bitch, isn't it? Taya: You bet. Sayoko: ::falls silent:: Taya: We can't even get out of the fuckin' house. Sayoko: ::sighs, nods:: Merry Christmas, Taya. Taya: Merry Christmas, Sayoko. Silence: ::fills the room:: (owari part seventeen)