PART 14: CHRISTMAS MORNING by Kaede and Sensuha :: :: mean actions { } means thoughts ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Setting: Taya and Sayoko's apartment Sayoko: ::hiding in the closet:: {^%$&.} Taya: Tell you what, Aya and I will hide under the blanket, and you can come out. Neither of us'll see you, and you prolly don't want to see us. How's that? Aya: o.o; Sayoko: Just... go about your business, and ignore me. I am.. not... here..... Taya: You'll probably want to leave the closet soon... Sayoko: I will... at some point. Taya: Might as well go now... Sayoko: .... ::zooms out the door:: merrychristmasayakunandtayajane.... Taya: Ja ne! ^^ Sayoko: ::plops down on the couch:: {I didn't need to seeee that.... ;.;} Ken: ow! Sayoko: ::looks over:: Gomen! I didn't mean to wake you up..! Ken: Daijoubuu... Sayoko: ::feels worse now:: ...You sure? Ken: Yeah! Sayoko: Gomen again.... ::sighs:: (I got.. frightened.) Ken: (How bad..?) ::sits up, hugs her:: Sayoko: (Pretty bad.) ::hugs:: Ken: ::strokes her hair:: Sayoko: ::mumbles:: Aya and Taya are making out in the bedroom... Ken: o.o;; Sayoko: ::nods, hugs him:: Ken: ::holds her close:: It's okay. Sayoko: ::ventures a smile:: I'm not *that* traumatized.. but to top it off, I walked in there shirtless.... Ken: o.o;;; Sayoko: (I thought there was no one there....!) Ken: ::kisses her forehead:: Sayoko: ::shakes him off, but not in a mean way:: I'm okay. Ken: ::nods:: Sayoko: (Sorry to wake you....) Ken: (It's alright.) Sayoko: ::head on his shoulder:: Ken: ::rubs her shoulder:: Merry Christmas.. Sayoko: Merry Christmas. Ken: ::smiles:: Sayoko: ^.^ ::sighs:: Ken: ::sighs too:: Scene: The bedroom Aya: ::rather frightened by Sayoko:: o.o; Taya: ::kisses:: Don't mind her... and if you do, we can always go back to your apartment... Aya: ::kisses back:: .... Taya: ::snuggles up:: Aya: ::lets her, still kind of spaced:: ... Taya: ::pinches his shoulder:: Aya... Aya: (Ow!) Hm? Taya: Daijoubu? ::looks worried:: Aya: (If Sayoko spreads this around.....) Taya: (She won't. She's a good girl.) Aya: (...Youji will never let me hear the end of it.) Taya: (She won't spread it around. And I'll kick Youji's ass personally.) Aya: (I can do that too, but it doesn't really help....) Taya: (I have incriminating evidence against him.) Aya: (...?) Taya: (He sucks his thumb in his sleep.) Aya: ::bursts out laughing:: Taya: ::grins:: And that's not all.. Aya: Hm? Taya: He ::whisperwhisper, all those little things Youji told her and made her promise not to tell:: Aya: O.o; Taya: ^.^; Aya: (If I sleep with you, will you tell all my secrets to the next guy?) Taya: (No..! Besides, you know Youji... and I'm... well, it's kinda silly, but...) Aya: (Hm?) Taya: (I hope there isn't a next guy.) Aya: (....) Taya: Told you it was silly... Aya: It's not silly... idealistic, maybe, but not "silly".... Taya: sou.. Aya: ::soft smile:: Taya: ::looks down:: ::clinging to Aya:: Aya: ::hugs her::. Taya: ::smiles softly:: It is silly, though... Aya: What is? Taya: Y'know... Aya: It's not.... Taya: You think so..? ..... What time is it? Aya: ...Seven Taya: Seven? Aya: Seven in the morning. ::points to the clock:: Taya: Ohh... Aya: ::nods:: (Feeling a little better?) Taya: ::nods:: Aya: ::smiles:: Taya: ::smiles back, stretches:: What should we do now? Aya: ::regards stretching Taya:: {F***....} Are you hungry? Taya: Not really, no.. Aya: ::shrugs:: Then I don't know. Taya: We could go for another walk... we could go to the park... Aya: ::nods:: We certainly could. Taya: Ikimashou? Aya: Hai. Taya: ^.^ Aya: ::takes her hand:: Taya: ::smiles:: Aya: ::heads into the living room:: Ken: o.o ::pulls his Santa hat down over his eyes before he sees anything he doesn't want to:: Sayoko: ::calmly watches them go by:: (It's okay; they're clothed.) Ken: ::peeks:: Sayoko: ::pats his head:: Ken: ^_^ Sayoko: Bye, Taya, Aya-kun... Taya: Mata ne~! Be good! ^.~ Sayoko: ::blush:: Ken: {Aya getting frisky is something I never, ever, ever want to think about.} Aya: ::slight smile, leads her out:: Taya: ^.^ Sayoko: ::turns to Ken:: ... Ken: o.o? Sayoko: Frightening... Ken: ::nods:: Sayoko: ::shrugs, goes back to making breakfast:: Aya just better... be nice. Ken: Hm? Sayoko: To Taya. And not push it. Ken: Push what? Sayoko: ::pointed look:: The relationship. Ken: Aya's not the one to push, unless it's to pay for something. Sayoko: ::nods:: I hope not. Ken: He's the one who needs to be pushed, if anything.. (Not that I'd know.) Sayoko: I don't mean to *start* a relationship, I mean... (I'd hope not.) Ken: Yeah, I know what you mean. It takes a while for him to trust, to open up. I think Taya'll be okay. Sayoko: ::nods:: Ken: Aya's no Youji, I'll tell you that much Sayoko: That much I've gathered. Ken: Heh. Sayoko: ::rolls her eyes:: Ken: ::kisses her cheek:: Sayoko: ^.^ How about you? Ken: Me? Sayoko: Youji and Aya lie on opposite ends of the spectrum. Where do you fall? Ken: Probably somewhere in the middle... I'm no playboy, but I'm not exactly a cold fish. (I'm snuggly! ^^) Sayoko: Useful information. (You are. ::hugs him:: ^^) Ken: (::hugs back:: ^_^) Sayoko: ^^ Well... Aya better take it slow. Ken: ::nods:: I think he will. Sayoko: ::nods:: Ken: ::smiles:: Sayoko: ::hands him a cup:: Coffee? ^.~ Ken: Sure. ^_^ (Don't let it be too hot... ^_^;;) Sayoko: (It's not.) Ken: (Arigatou... ::sigh of relief::) Sayoko: (Why...? You don't like it hot?) Ken: (Omi makes REALLY hot coffee... it hurts.) Sayoko: (Ah. This is warm, but it won't burn you.) Ken: (Arigatou.) Sayoko: (Dou itashimashite.) Ken: Oi, um... Sayoko: Hm? Ken: ::still in his Santa clothes:: -.-;; Sayoko: ::looks him over:: ....Ah. Do you want something to wear? Ken: I was thinking of running home and running back... (Or I could ride my motorcycle..) Sayoko: Feel free. You are not a prisoner here. ::gets a mental picture of him in handcuffs:: ....^^ Ken: ... ::looks alarmed:: .. Okay, I'll be right back... Sayoko: 'kay. Ken: ::kisses her softly:: Sayoko: ::kisses back:: See you in a little. Ken: ::nods:: Setting: Sayoko and Taya's apartment/dorm room, aw, you know the place, a little later Ken: ::back, in jeans and a t-shirt and jacket that's pretty familiar to Sensuha and Kaede but Sayoko hasn't seen before:: Sayoko: Nice jacket. Ken: Thanks. ^.^ Sayoko: ^.^ Ken: ::sits:: It's a lot more comfortable than the Santa suit. Sayoko: I bet. (Where did you get that thing?) Ken: (Youji-kun's had some weird girlfriends...) Sayoko: (o.O Too much information.) Ken: (See?) Sayoko: (Yes.) Ken: (Heh.) Sayoko: Hungry? Ken: ::shakes his head:: Sayoko: Mkay. Ken: What about you? Sayoko: I'll live. Ken: ::stretches:: Okay. (I parked the motorcycle in the parking lot, is that okay?) Sayoko: (Yeah, that's fine.) Ken: ::nods:: Sayoko: ::comes and sits next to him on the couch:: Ken: ^_^ Sayoko: Doing okay, Santa? Ken: ^_^ I'll be fine... have you been a good girl or a bad girl this year, Sayoko-chan? ^_~ Sayoko: ::snuggles up:: That depends on your point of view....^.~ Ken: ^_~ Well, what do you think? Sayoko: I've been pretty good.^^ You? Ken: ::pauses for a moment:: {Well, we killed a lot of people... but we saved a lot too...} ... I'm kind of on the border. Sayoko: ::looks a little surprised:: ...Really? Why would you say that? Ken: ..Can't really tell you. Sayoko: Don't know? Just…feel like it? Ken: Yeah... Sayoko: ::nods, leans against his shoulder:: I'm sure you were more good than bad. Ken: ::kisses the top of her head:: Mmm. Sayoko: ::closes her eyes:: Ken: Tired already? ::teasing:: Sayoko: *Someone* woke me at five in the morning... though I can't imagine who THAT would be... Ken: ^_^;;; Santa? Sayoko: Riiiight. Ken: ^_^ ::kisses her temple:: Sayoko: ::blushes:: Ken: What? Sayoko: Nothing. Ken: You sure? Sayoko: Mmhmm. Ken: 'Kay. Sayoko: ::snuggles up; gets comfortable:: Ken: ^_^ We could watch a video or something... Sayoko: Sounds good. Ken: O-kay... Sayoko: Movies are under the TV... ::gets up to help him find one::. Ken: ::bends down to find one:: Sayoko: ::admires the view:: 9.9 Ken: ::rummage:: Sayoko: ::gets down next to him:: Anything in mind? Ken: Not really.. (Most of these are Taya's, huh...) Sayoko: (::blush::Yes.) Ken: (Heh..) Sayoko: ::point:: That one's okay. Ken: Okay. Sayoko: ::takes it out of the box; puts it in the VCR:: Ken: ::heads back to the couch:: Sayoko: ::presses play:: Ken: ::pats the cushion next to him:: Sayoko: ::goes over and sits down:: Ken: ^_^ TV: ::title comes on:: Ken: ::looks at his watch:: Sayoko: ::turns to him:: ..Do you have to be somewhere? Ken: No... just seeing what time it was. Sayoko: ::nods:: TV: ::some...not wholesome-looking individuals come onsceen:: Sayoko: ...? Ken: O.o;; Sayoko: o.o! ::turns it off:: Ken: Guess we're not safe after all.. ::chuckles:: Sayoko: o.o (kowai...) Ken: Daijoubu, daijoubu. Sayoko: I'm fine. Ken: ^_^;; Sayoko: ..But Taya's gonna die. Ken: Why? Sayoko: Video.. case... trauma... Ken: ^_^;; {If you kill her, Aya won't forgive you...} Sayoko: ::sighs:: Wanna give the movie another try? Ken: Maybe it'd be safer going to the movie theater. Sayoko: I think so... you up for it? Ken: Yeah! (We can ride on my motorcycle!) Sayoko: ^.^ (..okay.^^) Ken: ^_^! Sayoko: ::grabs her jacket:: Ken: ^_^ I'll go get my motorcycle! Sayoko: I'll lock up. See you in front. Ken: Sure thing! Sayoko: ::closes up windows, etc.:: Ken: ::heads downstairs:: Sayoko: ::locks the door, starts downstairs:: Ken: ::goes and gets his motorcycle, has an extra helmet for her:: Sayoko: ::sits down on the curb:: Ken: ::zooms in front, holds out the helmet for her:: Sayoko: ::stands up:: Good planning... Ken: ^_^ Sayoko: ::puts it on:: ^.^ Ken: Hop on in back! Sayoko: ::climbs up:: This is how you get around? Ken: Yup! Sayoko: Nice. ::delicately places her arms around his waist:: Ken: ::turns and grins:: Sayoko: ::wide eyes, smile:: Ken: ::steps on the gas, roars off with her:: Sayoko: ::wide eyes when it starts:: ^^! Ken: Hold tight! Sayoko: ::hugs him tighter:: Ken: ^_^ Sayoko: ^.^ (owari part fourteen)