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Alamak Chat #1 ( Teens11_15 )
[squirt] blah!
*** stuff (32.101.171) has left location Teens11_15
*** GAL13 (203.124.2) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
* Wacko thinks "waverider" is extreamly sad if that is the only thing he comes to chat rooms for* go get some in RL you _!
[cheer_gurl] cool i woke earlier it's 8:50 here!
[niceguy17] _
[football_grl] N e 1 wanna chat wit a 13/f/Canada who loves football MSG me NOW!!!
*** Signoff WaveGuy (142.163.5).
[cheer_gurl] In the morning
*** Nightstalker (203.59.24) has left location Teens11_15
[Wacko] yeha i woke up early to cheer_gurl. it's 10:45 here i am usually sleeping till 12, Bubbles~ Cartoons? that sounds like a good idea, brb everyone!
[squirt] lalalalala
*** Anthrax77 (203.124.2) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
[kenny] hey wakoit is very very very gay to wank you should know its me kenny
[_BuBBleS_] lol

-> *michael* . The only exceptions here would be the Teen rooms, where it's clearly a good idea to kick for asking for c-sex from users who are likely to be under legal age)) that is what the policy states. it does not specify anything about the /ig command if its within the Teens rooms. And it shouldnt. requests for cyber or such in the teems rooms is disgusting. do you not agree?

*michael* (#209.123.169#) it says people can ask for cyber privately and you should just /ig nick or say no.. so not sure what you wanna revise.. and there's been no change to policy recently to advise anyone of..

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Alamak Chat #1
Alamak Chat #1 ( Teens11_15 )
[_BuBBleS_] lol
[cheer_gurl] Cool
*** JAWZ (168.91.46) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
*** waverider (202.144.18) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
[AngelBaby] Anyone wanna chat?
*** Anthrax77 (203.124.2) has left location Teens11_15
*** limpfreak28 (12.32.6) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
[Wacko] Kenny~ are you trying to talk to me? if so, make sence from your sentances
[unwrapme] kenny you gay?
*** JAWZ (168.91.46) has left location Teens11_15
*** Signoff gal_14 (171.209.140).
*** Signoff cheer_gurl (206.30.100).
[football_grl] N e 1 wanna chat wit a 13/f/Canada who loves football MSG ME NOW!!!
[FaCeDoWn] it's 9:45 am here on Sat.

*michael* (#209.123.169#) half the people in here are adults.. if two underage people want to cyber that's actually legal.. actually two underage people having sex in the states is legal.. we're not here to dictate morality or be people's parents.. there's no blatant soliciting allowed in public in teens... anything private becomes the individual's responsibility.. they have commands they can use to deal with it

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Alamak Chat #1
Alamak Chat #1 ( Teens11_15 )
*** ahboy (203.117.33) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
*** Nightstalker (203.59.24) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
[kenny] amy amy amy where are you
[Wacko] hey hey! anyone wanna chat? 15/m from NB Canada, i am open to any kind of convo! message me!
[_BuBBleS_] *yawn*..
*** realtime (212.23.8) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
*** waverider (202.144.18) has left location Teens11_15
*** Nightstalker (203.59.24) has left location Teens11_15
*** TRE (207.162.174) has left location Teens11_15
*** secret (171.209.140) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
*** waverider (202.144.18) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
*** Nightstalker (203.59.24) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
*** hello_im_hot_f (207.210.99) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
[hello_im_hot_f] hello
*** Alexandre (206.172.123) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!

-> *michael* sorry bout the flooding in your buffer BTW. If they ask for c-sex in a Teens or underage room, they can be kicked or banned. Asking for c-sex in pm is allowed if both parties are of age of consent in their region. )) i am using these copies of the policy to further back up my side. i have revised these over and over again in hope of not angering somebody and yet it still happens. i still see nothing specifying the teens rooms.

*michael* (#209.123.169#) the policy says no asking for cyber in public in teens.. and to use /ig nick for trouble in your buffer.. i see no problem with that

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Alamak Chat #1
Alamak Chat #1 ( Teens11_15 )
*** waverider (202.144.18) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
*** Nightstalker (203.59.24) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
*** hello_im_hot_f (207.210.99) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
[hello_im_hot_f] hello
*** Alexandre (206.172.123) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
[squirt] klalalalala
[realtime] Wacko, conversation is spelt 'C.O.N.V.E.R.S.A.V.A.T.I.O.N' Its abbreviation is therefore not convo.
[hello_im_hot_f] anyone wanna chat msg me
[Nightstalker] any gals care 4 a chat???
[kenny] all operators here up, *unwrapme* is calling us gay,f***ers please get rid of em,please
*** Tricia (209.156.231) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
*** chatt (206.172.164) Teens11_15 / Welcome!!!
[kenny] anyone wanna chat

-> *squirt* oh god im dealing with the highest op now.*L* shit

*michael* (#209.123.169#) i honestly don't understand your problem.. i just said exactly that... no soliciting in public... handle problems in your buffer with /ig nick.. and you have absolutely no way to prove anyone's age on here.. that is between the two people privately.. so if someone doesn't want someone in their buffer they can type /ig nick.. i don't see why i have to say this 4 times

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Alamak Chat #1
Alamak Chat #1 ( Forest )
*** Signoff Raziel (203.109.250).
*** Taarna (195.100.90) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
*** Signoff Taarna (195.100.90).
*** snowgirl (212.151.113) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
*** Dillon (203.17.224) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
[Dillon] HELLOOO
*** niceguy17 (#205.188.197#) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
*** Dillon (203.17.224) has left location Forest
*** Alita (#207.19.142#) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
[niceguy17] bah!
*** Alita (207.19.142) has left location Forest
*** SmokeyTheGoth (#209.240.200#) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
[niceguy17] webtv!!!
[niceguy17] smokeNmirrors?
*** SmokeyTheGoth (#209.240.200#) has left location Forest

*michael* (#209.123.169#) well you can't kick for it in a forward.. you should ask the person to use /ig nick.. we have way way way too much abuse for kicking in msgs.. so we have to start cracking down.. and most of that abuse comes from teens and the tub
*Delicate_Rose* (142.177.195) Well, hello, Chris Allen! *lol*

*** Private message buffer being flushed.

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Alamak Chat #1
Alamak Chat #1 ( Forest )
*** Signoff Raziel (203.109.250).
*** Taarna (195.100.90) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
*** Signoff Taarna (195.100.90).
*** snowgirl (212.151.113) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
*** Dillon (203.17.224) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
[Dillon] HELLOOO
*** niceguy17 (#205.188.197#) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
*** Dillon (203.17.224) has left location Forest
*** Alita (#207.19.142#) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
[niceguy17] bah!
*** Alita (207.19.142) has left location Forest
*** SmokeyTheGoth (#209.240.200#) Forest time seems to stop magically as someone enters the clearing between the trees.
[niceguy17] webtv!!!
[niceguy17] smokeNmirrors?
*** SmokeyTheGoth (#209.240.200#) has left location Forest

*michael* (#209.123.169#) well Eternelle is a sub comm... and i'm her mentor.. so if there's a problem you can let me know..

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Alamak Chat #1
Alamak Chat #1 ( 30plus )
*** Dave7 (209.245.14) 30plus / Welcome!!!
[angel30] are a bad one
*** trueman (171.211.121) 30plus / Welcome!!!
*** bachd (207.172.11) 30plus / Welcome!!!
*** Dave7 (209.245.14) has left location 30plus
[kralc] smillin ... blushin ... hehe
[angel30] gonna beat the hell outta Angela...throws her another case of batteries..she muxt be jaealous again..BZZZZZZZZZZZZzz.hahahha
*** PhoneGuy (198.189.124) 30plus / Welcome!!!
*** bachd (207.172.11) has left location 30plus
[Ang] darn I missed her
*** Orienz (#129.125.103#) 30plus / Welcome!!!
[angel30] and cant spell for beans either..LOL
[Angela] LMFAO@angel..
*** trueman (171.211.121) has left location 30plus
[SPAWN] *L* @ the forward


*D_Day* (24.108.114) well whoever alamak is he jsut kicked a op off for no reason
*Tash* (216.123.119) hey you wanan chat?
*** Begin Forward from *Arabian_hot_Gl*
*Alamak* (#203.116.3#) fuck you bitch!!! get the fuck out of my pm
*dxd2020* (194.170.2) men ween el6aibih.?
*michael* (#209.123.169#) well that's the chat owner.. i suggest you stop irritating them
*Alamak* (#203.116.3#) get lost lamer advertiser
*** End Forward from *Arabian_hot_Gl*
*michael* (#209.123.169#) i suggest we all just let alamak deal with him
*D_Day* (24.108.114) wow my god

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All About Chadwick

William Chad McDuffie

Ok so, this is me, chad. I'll tell you a little about myself i guess. I'm 18 years old, i live in South Georgia. A very very small town, which is real good sometimes but other times, it's just pure shitty. I am "Chadwick" at alamak, the link for that is at the bottom, but odds are if you're viewing this page, you're there already. I'm a big music fan. um *L* this is stupid. i hate describing myself. so here you are, at my page, i have a lot for you to do, i have my pictures and as soon as i get it all together and stuff, i'll have my friends on here, with there'll be tons for you to do or make fun of or whatever floats your boat. If you don't visit anything else though, visit my angels page. It's a dedication page to a bunch of great people that aren't here any more. *s* Thank you and uh well enjoy your visit, i guess. heh. ***Adios***

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more midis like these...please vist...

Annabel Lee
"It was many and many a year ago,
     In this kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
     By the name of Annabell Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
     Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
     In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
     I and my Annabell Lee-
With a love that the winged seraphs of Heaven
     Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
     In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
     My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsmen came
     And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulcher
     In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
     Went envying her and me:
Yes!-all that was the reason (as all men know,
     In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
     Chilling and killing my Annabell Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
     Of those who were older than we-
     Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in Heaven above,
     Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my sould from the soul
     Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:

For the moon never beams without bringing me
     dreams of the beautiful Annabell Lee;
And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes
     Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:
And so all the nighttide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling-my darling-my life and my bride,
     In the sepulcher there by the sea-
     In her tomb by the sounding sea."