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Canadian Vietnam Veteran Organizations |
AlbertaContactMonty Coles Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association-Calgary c/o Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 275755 8th Ave. SE Calgary, Alberta 403/948-3219 (home) 948-0654(fax) or Randy Faires President Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association-Edmonton 14212-106 Ave. Edmonton, Alberta T5N 1B4 403/454-2710 British ColumbiaClick here for the Vietnam Veterans in Canada.Click here for Canadian Richard Shand's homepage. Or Contact:Art Eggros National Aboriginal Veterans Association 736 Granville Street 8th floor Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 1G3 604/688-1821 fax: 688-1821 Woody Carmack Vietnam Veterans In Canada P.O. Box 193 Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 7G1 604 462 0450 (home office & fax), woody@vvic.org (e-mail) George (Davy) Crockett Vietnam Veterans in Canada-Okanagan Valley S-10 C-7, R.R. #4 Vernon, B.C. V1T 6L7 604/542-5238 Roger Miller Vietnam Veterans in Canada-Vancouver Island #28-3230 Irma St. Victoria, B.C. V8Z 7B7 604/723-5528 (home) 724-1232 (fax) MaritimesContact:Robert Beattie President Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association-Halifax P.O. Box 1608 Greenwood, Nova Scotia B0P 1N0 902/847-8778 or Rex Fowlow American Legion Fort Pepperrell Post C.N. 9 P.O. Box 2316 St. John's, Newfoundland A1B 4J9 709/745-1779 E-mail: jsayre@newcomm.net NorthContact:John Brown ex-President Vietnam Vets of Yukon and N.W.T. (lapsed) 603 Cook St. Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2R5 403/668-5821 (home) 667-5609 (work) OntarioClick here for the Canadian War Museum.Click here for the Canadian Vietnam Veterans Organization. Click here for the Canadian POW/MIA Information Centre. Click here for the North Wall. Click here for Veterans Affairs Canada. Or Contact:American Legion Ottawa Post #16 Canada P.O. Box 59031 1559 Alta-vista Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1G 5T7 Bob Windor The American Legion Department of New York Canada County Toronto Post 5 122 Bronte Rd., Apt. 1102B Milton, Ontario L9T 1Y9 Mike Gillhooley Chairman Canadian POW/MIA Information Center 41 Laurier Avenue Milton, Ontario L9T 4T1 905/875-0658 Don Winrow Canadian POW/MIA Information Centre - London and President of the Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association-London 100 Main St. W. Otterville, Ontario N0T 1R0 519/879-6205 Wayne Wilson Canadian POW/MIA Information Centre - Sudbury 407-119 Sandra St. Garson, Ontario P3L 1P4 705/693-1653 Karl Ellison Canadian POW/MIA Information Centre - Toronto Johnathan P. Kmetyk Chapter 190 Borrow St. Thornhill, Ontario L4J 2W8 905/738-0104 Mike Ruggiero President Canadian Vietnam Veteran's-Toronto P.O. Box 274, Station D Etobicoke, Ontario M9A 4X2 416/231-0872 231-0513 (fax) Al Clause Past-President and Co-Founder Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association-London 600 Classic Dr. London, Ontario N5W 5X8 519/453-1199 Lee Hitchins President Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association-Ottawa P.O. Box 11375 Station H Nepean, Ontario K2H 7V1 613/284-0633 (home) 283-9063 (fax) Gary Descaine Director Memorial Association of Canadian Vietnam Veterans P.O. Box 25105 LaSalle (Windsor), Ontario N9J 2L3 519/322-4199 (phone) 326-3119 (fax) QuebecContactJacques Gendron President Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association-Quebec 507 Hébert Maple Grove, Quebec J6N 1P8 514/225-1082 (home) 686-1249 (fax) Dominic Rotondo Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association-Quebec 5740 Coolbrook Ave. Montreal, Quebec H3X 2M1 514/739-6237 (& fax) Arthur B. Diabo Quebec Director National Aboriginal Veterans Association P.O. Box 737 Kahnawake, Quebec J0L 1B0 514/632-7329 (home) 632-5116 (fax) U.S.A.Click here for the Vietnam Veteran's Homepage.Or contactEd Johnson and Ric Gidner Directors Michigan Association of Concerned Veterans 4217 Highland Rd. Suite #226 Waterford, Michigan 48328 810/471-5110 fax 698-4393 |
This site contains first hand
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War, Canadian Vietnam Veterans, quotations, allies, anti-war, destinations,
women, literary hootch, quiz, poetry, research, memorials, humor, organizations,
The Wall, movies, history, media, trips, Vietnamese, Grumman OV-1, OV-1A,
OV-1B, OV-1C, Mohawk, Airplane, 73d Surveillance Airplane Company, APO
San Francisco 96291, 73rd Survl Airpl Co, 73d AVN CO, 73rd AVN CO, 210th
Combat Aviation Battalion, 1st AVN BDE, 1st Aviation Brigade, Grumman OV-1B,
Mohawkers, Viet Nam, Vietnam, Vung Tau, SLAR, Red Haze, UPTIGHT, 23d SWAD,
23d Special Warfare Aviation, Detachment, Agent Orange, agent orange, Cambodia,
Canadian Vietnam Vets Ottawa, Washington D.C., Windsor memorial, 1960's,
the 60's, sixties, non-fiction military books, autobiographical books,
autobiographies, military stories, WAR, history, Vietnam culture, anarchy,
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War, peace, hippies, life in the 60's, Los Angles, college, Wakefield,
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post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, post-war stress, Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder, psychology and treating war veterans, There It Is: A Canadian
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Atrocities and Bloodbaths, Technology and Weapons, US Military Men, Personal
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Propaganda and Psychological Warfare, Public Opinion, The Draft,
and Personnel Issues, The Antiwar Movement, The Catholic Antiwar Movement,
In the Villages, The Montagnards, The ARVN and the RVN,
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before 1945, North Vietnam, The Communist Viewpoint, Laos and Cambodia,
International, Australia and New Zealand, Britain, Canada,
China, The Soviet Union, communists, domino effect, Women and Medical Personnel,
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Collections: Primarily Documents, Collections: Not Primarily Documents,
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alien draftees, ongressional Documents: Main List, The Air War, Intelligence
and Special Operations, Laos and Cambodia, Refugees, Civilian War Victims,
and Relief Programs, The Media, Corruption, the Black Market, etc, Drugs
and the Drug Trade, marijuana, dew, pot, heroin, tea, hash, medication,
medicate, medicated, Agent Orange and other Chemicals, The Draft
The Anti-War Movement, Congressional Limits on the War, and Related Issues,The Last Stage, POW and MIA issues |