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Articles, Links, Documents


Epystles are letters or documents written for the clarification of information, or the passing on of facts. You might think of these as essays or fact-sheets. Although you may only have seen the social side of the SCA, there are indeed many functions which revolve around scholarly research and presentation. The three pillars of the SCA are arts, combat, and service and there are individuals who publish their research in all three areas. Look at the links below for books which are available and papers which have been presented by people in the SCA on SCA topics.

On this page, you'll also find valuable information about events, activities, SCA regulations, links, resources, calendars, contact info, questionairres, and other documents you may need.

Check Out These Links!!

The SCA Teenager, That's You!

The Well-Read Medieval Teen

Everything Your Parents Wanted to Know About the SCA

Glossary of SCA Terminology

Learning the Basics: Caidan Newcomer's Page

How To Find Your Local Group

SCA Homepage

CAID Homepage

CAID's Awards and Honors

Caidan Youth Homepage

Youth Guild: Oak Hall

Kingdom Calendar


Just for Fun:

What Tree Did You Fall From? Personality Trees




This is not a publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc., and does not delineate SCA policies. © 1999.
For questions about Scholarum Caidis, please contact THL Chretienne Angele de Courtenay,
mka Bonnie Black-Shockey: