PO Box 6064,
Chula Vista, CA 91909, (619) 425-5771
RE: Comments on Soil and Water of the PSA:
• The
proposed water supply for the project, potable drinking water from Sweetwater
Authority, would not cause a significant adverse environmental impact on
current or future users of the drinking water.
We strongly
disagree with this statement. The director of the Sweetwater Authority gave
this presentation to our city council highlighting how critical the water
situation was. It seems there may be enough for this year, but in 2009 the
possibility of mandatory restrictions is looking more and more likely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUrk5YSEAAk
The governor’s recent declaration of drought also highlights the need to use
potable water only for drinking. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/05/us/05drought.html?hp
How in the world can the CEC staff even think of allowing the waste of so much
potable water by a peaker plant proposed for an inappropriate location in an
area that does not need peaker power according to its electricity provider,
which will not give the company a contract?
• The use of a municipal water supply does
not comply with state water policy found in the California Constitution, State
Water Resources Control Board Resolution 75-58, and the Energy Commission’s 2003
Integrated Energy Policy Report water policy.
This use is clearly a violation of
LORS even the Energy Commissions own LORS!!
• The applicant has not adequately
demonstrated that the use of an alternate water supply or cooling technology is
environmentally undesirable or economically unsound.
All MMC cares about is its own
bottom line. It does not care that it will be putting the citizens of Chula
Vista in the position of having to conserve more or that they are wasting a
very precious and scarce resource. CEC staff has to care and require that they
hook into one of the recycled water lines a few miles to the east. If they
hooked into this line it could, perhaps, be used by others for landscaping as
well. An alternative would be to truck in recycled water from a place to the
east that is connected or directly from the southbay water treatment plant that
has a surplus. There are plenty of options and the fact that it will cost MMC
some money is not an acceptable reason for not requiring that they use one of
these options.
The amount of water-48 million gallons-
per year or 116 gallons per minute is totally unacceptable. Staff must use the
total number of hours the plant is permitted for in order to meet CEQUA
Considering that this peaker is more than twice the size of the old
peaker and will use considerably more water will the current ground water
detention basin be of adequate size?
CVEUP will use a maximum of 86 acre-feet a year of potable water. Staff
believes that the use of this water will contribute to the cumulative impacts
of scarce water supply for the south state. However, the amount of water is
modest. Staff does not consider the use of the water to be a cumulatively
significant impact.
We strongly disagree with this
statement, which is inherently contradictory. This use will contribute to the
scarcity in western Chula Vista specifically. In a wet year SWA can supply
almost all its water needs from local sources. In this drought it is importing
70% of its supply. There is increasing uncertainty about this imported supply.
If staff looks at the CV General Plan they will see the forecast for 7,000 more
homes in the southwest and 14,000 in the northwest. This will put an incredible
strain on local water resources. SWA is trying to keep up, but with drought
conditions this seems uncertain. Wasting drinking water in this way is totally
unacceptable. If a way cannot be found to use recycled water this project needs
to be rejected in order to help insure the supply for current users.
Using local potable water is a
significant cumulative impact when looked at in terms of the projected increase
in population for the area.
“The Energy
Commission will require zero liquid discharge technologies unless such
technologies are shown to be ‘environmentally undesirable’ or ‘economically
unsound.’” How can staff support the use of the municipal wastewater discharge
system, considering this policy? Normally businesses and homes are required to
not increase the amount of discharge from their site. It would be a simple
matter to require permeable pavement everywhere on site and to use the retention
basins to hold the water until it could percolate into the ground. Definitely
we have clay soil and water does not percolate well, but some of it could be
recycled on site for reuse.
Constitution, Article X, Section 2, Warren-Alquist Act, SWRCB
Resolution 75-58 and Energy Commission’s 2003 Integrated
Energy Policy
Report LORS and water policies applicable
Normally development in Chula Vista is
required to have a water conservation plan. This is another example of not
following the LORS. CVEUP must conserve water. They MUST use recycled
water only for non-potable purposes.
Options that
should be analyzed more fully include low quality (brackish) groundwater and
recycled water. The use of low quality groundwater would require drilling a well
and the installation of additional equipment to clean the water. The use of
recycled water would require construction of a pipeline to transport recycled
water to the CVEUP site.
SWA use brackish groundwater for
drinking purposes. It is planning eventually to put a well near the Otay River,
but this water is intended to meet drinking water needs for the local populace.
The highest and best use of the San Diego Formation Ground Water is for
drinking purposes. It would be wasteful to use it for an unneeded power plant
in an inappropriate location. Constructing a pipeline is not necessary. The
recycled water could be trucked to the site. It is also possible since CVEUP is
close to the bay and there is a heavy dew in the mornings to collect a certain
amount of water. The water leaving the peaker as steam could also be collected.
There are creative solutions to this problem, but under no circumstances should
they be allowed to use potable water.
• The proposed water supply for the project,
potable drinking water from Sweetwater Authority, would not cause a significant
adverse environmental impact on current or future users of the drinking water.
Considering the LORS, the current
drought, and the importance of providing for the future growth in Chula Vista
from local resources this statement makes absolutely no sense. This use would
cause a huge negative effect.
Theresa Acerro
President of Southwest Chula Vista Civic Association.