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This slide is to set the stage, and to give some general information on the pavement network. The 2 key points to focus on are:
1. Large number of lane miles contained in network
2. The investment, or replacement cost is significant (and will only rise with time).
Other general information – which I will probably not mention, but for your info:
Bus routes – 78.7 miles
Gravel roads – 1.1 miles
To introduce the PCI concept – we use a 0-100 scale, with 0 = failed condition, and 100 = excellent condition.
What we decide as acceptable depends on the City. The analogy I use is the math grade your child brings home from school – 80 may be acceptable to one parent, but not to another. Similarly, what the acceptable PCI should be for a City’s network is a policy decision.
However, in general, if a City were to fall below 70, it would be very expensive to make any significant improvements. Use Santa Cruz as an example.
Beth – I usually include these photo slides to illustrate what the PCIs mean. However, if the focus is going to be on budgets and infrastructure needs (i.e. sidewalks, drainage etc), this may be adding too much information for Council to absorb at one sitting.
I will NOT indicate what streets these come from, since that is irrelevant information.
The average network PCI for the City is 79, which indicates that the pavements are, in general, in good condition.
The good news is that ¾ of the City is in good to excellent condition. Note that this is a somewhat skewed number – due to the rapid growth of the City, the new streets being added in the east side of the City raise the average.
The bad news is that there is about 8.2% in poor or very poor condition.
Updated. Alleys excluded.
Map showing Current PCI. This better illustrates the distribution of PCIs etc.
The intent of this slide is to show that it costs MUCH less to preserve a street while it is in good condition. If we waited until it requires replacement, then the costs are almost 20 times as much.
The analogy I use here is that of car maintenance. We can replace the oil every 3000 miles and keep it going for a long time, or not do any maintenance and then replace the car when it stops working.
Therefore, City policy must include a preservation strategy – which is why residents will see the City maintain a good street even though there may be a “worse” street right next to it.
Indicate that multiple scenarios were analyzed by NCE and staff. The highlights were included in the staff report. This presentation focuses on three that are most critical to Council.
If we could fix everything we needed to, it would require $19m/year. This would result in a overall PCI of 81 and reduce the  backlog to 0.
Needs is $188.1 million (10 years)
Backlog is reduced to $0 in 2015.
This is previously Scenario 7 (identified as such in database)
In 2015, the backlog is $155.5m. Total 10 year budget is $39.8 million
Leah – here’re the budget breakdowns.
1 $3,100,000
2 $1,700,000
3 $3,400,000
4 $5,573,000   
5 $6,131,000
6 $3,980,000 
7 $3,980,000  
8 $3,980,000
9 $3,980,000
10 $3,980,000
Be prepared to discuss why this scenario starts in 2007 instead of 2006.
Emphasize need for Council to be supportive of staff on a preservation policy.