Budget Workshop 11/17/08


The workshop started at 6:30PM. Interim City Manager Scott Tulloch had three presentations to illustrate the economic situation. After that our treasurer gave a financial status report for the first quarter. A six million dollar deficit must be dealt with for this fiscal year. Next year it is looking like a 20 million dollar deficit. It is the plan now for the 2009-2010 budget to be approved in January of 2009 in order to give a lot of notice to employees who may be laid off.  With 82% of the budget personnel costs it will be hard to avoid layoffs, but they are negotiating with all the employee unions.

Click here to see the powerpoint given by Marney Cox of SANDAG on the overall dismal economic picture.

Click here to see the powerpoint by Peter Dennehy on the current real estate picture.

Click here to see the report by the County Assessor on real estate assessments, which are lowering property taxes.

This is the city’s powerpoint showing the large reduction in income and the increase in expenses.