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Ralph Hicks & Leslie Nishihira from the Port of San Diego and Deni Stone from the city of Chula Vista were at Crossroads II’s annual meeting on 9/20/07. They gave this PowerPoint presentation.
This is the consensus plan that the Citizens Advisory Committee came up with after several years worth of meetings. It is 562 acres total- 500 acres of land and 60 acres of water.
This plan consists of 430 acres currently under Port jurisdiction and 130 acres currently under City jurisdiction (97 of these  acres are controlled by Pacifica-option to buy from Kuwati investors, who have owned the Mid-Bayfront property for years).
The Citizens Advisory Committee divided the area into 3 districts to aid in their discussions. This option with the signature park in the Sweetwater District came into favor because Gaylord wanted most of the land in the Harbor Park option. The three districts consist of: 129 acre Sweetwater (adjacent to the Sweetwater National Wildlife Refuge), which was planned as low intensity, 280 acre Harbor (where marina now is), which was planned with the highest intensity, and 153 ac Otay(where the power plant now is), which was planned with medium intensity.
There are 430 acres under the Port’s jurisdiction. There is a plan to get the state Land’s Commission to agree to swap the land adjacent to the Sweetwater Wildlife Refuge (formerly called the midbayfront) for land the port obtained from Goodrich in the Harbor District usually called the “South Campus.”  This would allow Pacifica to build residential far away from the Refuge. This would change the 97 acres of land now controlled by Pacifica in the Sweetwater district from the city of Chula Vista’s jurisdiction to the jurisdiction of the the port and vice a versa.
Implementation of the CVBMP would include:-Ecological buffers, -Parks and open space,-Cultural,-Recreational,-Residential (via land exchange),-Hotels & conference space,-Mixed use office/retail,-RV Park,-Marinas/Boating Center, -Piers,-Commercial,- harbor,-Energy Utility Zone,and -Navigation channel improvements.
The new EIR expected out by Spring of 2008 will include project level analysis of the Signature Park, Gaylord, and Residential.
This is a site plan for the Gaylord complex.
This is a fact sheet about the proposed Gaylord project.
This is the architect’s conception of what the hotel would look like from the south. The entry will be from H Street.
The Master Plan now has 240 acres of buffers, wetlands, parks, and open space.The Bayshore bikeway will go through the area and there will be a continuous pedestrian path.
The Chula Vista Bayfront will have 240 acres of parks and open space while the entire rest of the property under Port control has only 398 acres.
The numbers on the bottom plan are the heights of the buildings. The elevation inset shows the number of floors.
This is a summary of the residential Pacifica plans to build in the Harbor District. They declined to consider land in the Otay District because of the uncertainty surrounding the Power Plant and the environmental concerns in this area.
The architect’s conception of the massing of the residential buildings.
The current owners of the Southbay Power Plant have withdrawn their application for a new power plant. SDG&E still is agreeing to move the switch yard to a smaller parcel further south. The California Energy Commission is still insisting upon RMR, which is must run status for this dinosaur that only runs when the power is needed by the grid, because it not only is dirty, it is very expensive to operate. Their lease expires in 2011. The assumption is the plant will be torn down, and replacement energy production will be found by then, but nothing is certain.
These are the three strengths of the current Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan (CVBMP) in Ralph’s opinion. He feels that with Gaylord all three are finally present for a successful project.