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Poems of Diana Bratt, Page One

''My Lover,My Best Friend''...

My raging fire that burns within needs all the Man in you,
The Woman I am needs so very much ,To please you too...

My Passions need escaping and to you it all must go,
I need too give myself too you and let my river flow...

I trust you with my passions,I trust you with my heart,
I'll give too you the whole of me,And not just a small part...

Take me as your lover, And let me be your best Friend,
When I say " I Love You " I promise never too pretend...

I need for you to hold me and take me in your arms,
Tell me that you need me too,With all your loving charms...

We have a special kind of friendship,A special kind of love,
The Creator of eveything has blessed us from above...

So let there be sunshine,Make this ''Star'' Shine bright,
Take me all the way too Heaven,Take me there all night...

Desires Of You Always,

© December 06, 2000 by Shining Star * ... Diana Bratt ...

''Passionate Day Dreams Of You''

I was lost in the passionate Day Dreams of us,
The making of love with such loving trust...

I felt your warm breath from my head too my toes,
With all the Excitment that just grows and grows...

You touched me in places I have so longed too be,
As my fire and passion has waited so long too be free...

Two Spirits in love ,two souls that belong,
Two hearts beating faster in harmony's song...

I can feel all your passion and you can feel mine,
We are so lost in each other,not worried about time...

Your fire is burning and raging and reaches deep within,
Pleasure sounds that we both make as we are skin to skin...

I want to feel your thunder,I want to hear your roar,
Make my loving river flow from the mountains to the shore...

The way I say '' I Love You '' comes so easily from my lips,
Our cups runneth over in thirst quenching sips...

Right now it is a ''Day Dream'' as I opened up me eyes,
But who knows what tomorrow brings,God's blessings in surprize...

I Will Always Love You...

© December 07, 2000 by Shining Star * ... Diana Bratt ...

My Warrior,Your Dove...

I have with love come too you as an eagle in the wind,
I spread my wings too get too you as the soft breezes begin...

I know my eyes are wide open as I can see your heart,
I surround you with love of me from very special parts...

I have asked the great Creator,Too give you all my love,
I wish for us sincerity,A blessing sent down from up above...

I want too stand beside you,Not behind or in front,
I want so much too care for you so you shall never want...

I want too take you in my arms and pull you too my breasts,
I need for you too hold me & lay my head upon your chest...

I know you are my brave warrior,Iam your Native Dove,
I hear brother Wolf cry with joy,When we make tender love...

I Give Too You,

© December 07, 2000 by Shining Star * ... Diana Bratt ...

'' Song's & Drum's Of The Heart ''

Together we walked hand and hand too the beautiful river front,
We slipped off our cloths with a special need and such a beautiful want...

As our eyes met with such passion and we both could feel the fire,
And we touched each other all over with more passion and hot desire...

You picked me up with such affections and layed me on the ground,
The love we made was from heaven,All of nature made not even a sound...

Even the wind stop blowing,And the Eagles perched up in the tree's,
The sounds of passion exploding from us with the gentle summer breeze...

I can hear the songs and drums in the strong beating of our hearts,
The rythm of our bodies,Two spirits joined in love an everlasting start...

I Love,Want & Need You,
Always & Forever...

© December 07, 2000 by Shining Star * ... Diana Bratt ...

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