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Friends Of Arabian Horses Rescue

Helping the Noble Arabian Horse through better understanding, education and salvation





Welcome to our Sponsor-A-Horse Program!

Become a Friends of Arabian Horses Rescue Sponsor!

We created this program for people who want to become more involved with Friends of Arabian Horses Rescue, who believe in our work, and who want to become parts of our lives and that of our horses. The FAHR Sponsorship Program helps us continue our rescue efforts, rescue more horses from auctions and private homes, and make sure we can give our horses the care they need and deserve. This is truly the "Gift That Keeps Giving" year round!

There are also people who want to be a part of a horse's life, but for reasons beyond their control they cannot own one and are not eligible to adopt. Be it due to limited resources, limited time, a lack of equine knowledge or experience, too many other obligations or just plain being too busy, many people would not otherwise be able to have involvement in the horse world. Sponsorships are a way to help horses in need, become an important figure to a horse and be part of something really special.

It is only a small minority of rescued horses which are easily maintained. Not all, but many rescued horses need a great deal of veterinary care as soon as they arrive, and most need to gain an awful lot of weight. Caring for and maintaining such horses is very time consuming and expensive. Our horses are placed on a feeding program designed to help them keep an ideal weight, and we must insure they are current on their vaccinations, de-worming, farrier care and dental care in addition to any treatment prescribed by our vet.

Sponsoring a horse can make a great deal of difference, not just for the horse you Sponsor but for all the other horses we can help because of caring Sponsors like you! Upon committing to Sponsorship, you become a part of the FAHR "family" forever. We hope you find the following Sponsorships to be a valuable and satisfying "investment" and enjoy becoming a special Sponsor for that special horse! We would love to hear from you!

There is no limit to the number of Sponsors an individual horse may have. The Sponsorship lasts until a horse is adopted, and can be transferred to another horse at that time. On average we expect to have horses available for a period of 4 to 6 months, sometimes shorter and sometimes longer, depending upon the individual horse. The Sponsorship fees are set up for individuals, but feel free to have your family, friends or co-workers join together to Sponsor more horses! Joint Sponsorships are a great way to help out and not break the bank. In addition, we welcome Corporate Sponsors, so if you own a business or might be interested in talking to your boss about getting involved, that would be wonderful!

Also, you may become a "Rescue Sponsor" by sending monetary donations earmarked for supplies used by the rescue for all our horses. All of our Sponsors are very special members of the team, and we take them very seriously. Please be sure you can commit to a monthly Sponsorship fee before sending us an application, though. This helps both the Rescue and you, if you think you might get to a point where you cannot afford to be a Sponsor any longer. We understand things happen, but we want to do our best to make certain Sponsoring isn't a hardship on you. Remember, once you become a Sponsor, the horses count on YOU!

The Sponsorship Program is set up to receive payments on the first of each month, so please be sure to have your donation in by then! This helps us pay our bills on time and insures the horses have everything they need. Friends of Arabian Horses Rescue survives entirely on donations from generous people who love these noble horses as much as we do. By Sponsoring or Donating, you help us in our continuing quest to alleviate the suffering of so many horses.

We thank you for your invaluable support. We could not do this without you! It takes your kind donations to be able to continue rescuing horses, and to those we can save, the difference it makes in their lives is enormous.

Please go forward to our Sponsorship Form page!



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