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Dylan's rage on a web page


Hello to all. Thanks for comming to Dylan's Rage on a Web page. Its hard to believe that this site has been up for amost 4 years as of May 13, 2003. I have been thinking about shutting it down. It saddends that my picture page has been up for a little over two years and has had twice as many visitors and people care more about what I look like than what I have to say. I would like to thank everyone again for checking this site out. I hope it makes your day, helps you, or makes you think about changing your life for the better. I honestly hope the poems here help people to understand that if you are sad, happy, lonely or cramped your not alone

check out my other poem pages

About me

poems of sadness and anger

poems of love and happness

poems of relationships

I want to say " Thanks again to every one for taking the time to check my site out"

NOTE:" THE BACK GROWND PIC IS OF BRANDON LEE(R.I.P) NOT ME" My pic can be found here my pics

When a man's heart is full of deciet it burns up,
dies and a dark shadow falls over his soul.
From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.
The battle of good and evil has begun.
Aganist any army of shadows comes the Dark Warrior,
the preveyor of good,with a voice of silence and a mission of justice.
And from this you get Exit"Stephen" Enter"Dylan Mckay"

"Exit Stephen Enter Dylan Mckay"(by Dylan Mckay)
This just means that through tragidies
I have become a smarter,older,wiser me.
I have goals to revitilize myself as a person
,as well my baseball carrer.
I've been to the bottom so there is nothing I fear.
In just over a year I went from hell
to living well and back through the fire of hell again.
Now I'm greatful for everything that comes in my life good and bad
because this will make me a better man.
At 18 I understand how the world operates.
Some people are here to help and other are blinded by hate.
Change is good if it helps me grow.
I have become a better person and Dylan Mckay is my way to show my change.
I have a mission to get to the top
of the world again.
When I do this time,
I will make sure that I can't be stoped.

This page is for people,things, and events that have made me the person I am today. Hope you enjoy and please don't steal my writings(Ha,Ha,Ha).

My rage(by Dylan Mckay)
Over the past year I watched a close friend die.
His life taken away in the blink of an eye.
My 18 year old friend had his whole life ahead and now he is dead.
Over the past year I had a love taken away.
So to help me cope with my problems I write and I pray.
I am so angry and filled with rage.
That's why I express my deepest feeling on a webpage.
Instead of using drugs and alcohol to ease my pain
I share my problems hopeing someone can gain
knowlege and strength.
I leave this as my legacy
so the world can see the problems that demoralized me.

The Crow(by Dylan Mckay)
Look into my dark sadden eyes and see.
A person fighting to complete a dream an a destiny.
I sware I will make something of my life if it kills me.
Everytime I try my wings are cliped and I am unable to fly.
I would like to make a positive change on this planet because in my heart I feel that's why I was sent.
so when ou see me don't be afraid.
I'm just like you a creation that God made.

My Favorite Web Sites

Information about me

My Poems of Anger and Sadness(My best department)

My poems of love

My Poems about relationships I've had

check this site out by my cyber friend punky brewster. This girl has potery skills

the crow website
Dream Dicataionary
a web page of my favorite rappers
CareerPath - Where Employers and Employees

Tell me what you think of this site? Any questions,comments and concerns?

