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This movie is a hoot!

I've read reviews of this movie that said it was a James Bond for the Gen Xers...well, it's sort of true.

Vin Diesel stars as Xavier Cage, an extreme sport athlete and badass. He's one of the coolest movie heroes I've seen in a while. He is covered in tattoos, including XXX on his neck. He is recruited, unwillingly of course, by Samuel L. Jackson to infiltrate an underground organization known as Anarchy 99. He flies to Praha and makes contact with the group.

Like James Bond, he has neat gadgets, I especially like the bomb bandages, and the binoculars that update X-ray glasses.

Vin Diesel IS X. He's perfect for the part. This is the first film of his that I've seen yet he carries it off with humor and grace. He even looks like he could do his own stunts...which are amazing by the way.

The soundtrack of this movie is mostly hard rock/heavy metal music but it isn't annoying in the way that the soundtrack of Queen of the Damned was. It suited the movie very well.

This is a great little action flick. If movies that have non-stop action, great stunts and interesting characters are your cup of tea, then don't miss this one! I hear a sequel is already in the works, and I'll be waiting for it. On a scale of 5 Stella Starstruck stars, XXX rates ****1/2. See it!

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