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February 19, 2007 - Monday

Sunny and warm.

Today was pretty good. I woke up when hubby was getting ready to leave and I kissed him goodbye. Then I went back to bed. My alarm tried to wake me, but it didn't. I slept in quite late.

When I finally got up I did some computer stuff, showered and then headed off to the bank. I paid my bill at the bank and then went over to the mall. I was a bit hungry so I headed into the coffee shop for a sandwich. It was really busy. I got a seat in a corner and settled in for a read. I did feel a bit guilty because they were turning people away, so I left after not too long, and then came home.

At home I watched the last half of Jamie's School Lunches and then rewound the tape and watched Little Britain and The IT Crowd. Hubby came home right at the end of that one. He was hungry so we went out right away for dinner. We went to Bronco. They had a half price sale on for steak, so we had that, plus a green salad that was good.

When we finished dinner we went by my school to set the heater for the next day, and then hit the grocery store for dinner. We're having shabu-shabu tomorrow. It sounds good, doesn't it? Yum. We came home. Fumihiko had an early bath as he wasn't feeling well, and while he was gone I decided to check out NHK's listing. They were showing the movie of Fame, so I watched it. I'm not sure if I've ever seen it all the way through before or not. I had watched part of it before and I read the book too. After Fame, ER was on, and then hubby went to bed.

I spent the past hour or so chatting with Suzulan on Yahoo. I should have been writing my blog, but I haven't chatted with her for ages.

And that was my day. Now, it's time for The Daily Rant

Books. I love books. They are windows into other worlds. They're also a pain in the neck. I have many books. Unfortunately, I only have one bookcase. And it's full. I've loaned books to a friend and then she sent them back to me. I have three boxes back from her that I've never opened. She might have sent me the remains of Jimmy Hoffa and I wouldn't have a clue! Another friend very kindly sent me a bag of books. The ones I haven't read yet are in her original bag waiting to be read. Along with the ten or so books that I've bought over the last couple of years. I noticed in my blog yesterday that I bought a novel, The Constant Gardener a year ago. I haven't read it. I'm not planning to read it soon. I want to read it, someday.

Ironically, since I left le Eikaiwa, I just don't have the time to read anymore. There are too many distractions at home. My computer, the TV, housework, you name it. And yet, I love books. I'd happily give up my TV and read only books, but then I'd have to find somewhere to put the books. I'm not sure that I'll ever be happy with a book on a computer screen, but a book that could shrink to store and expand to read, now that would be a great thing. Think of all the extra books I could buy.

{Before you tell me that I could give them away, or do a Bookcrossing, I know, but I like to keep my books. I will reread the good ones. The bad ones too if I like them!}



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