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October 26, 2005 - Wednesday

Warm and sunny, cool at night.

A good day. I got to work late, but it was okay for today as my first class had cancelled. I was still before my working time of course!

I did some prep and taught my lessons so I was busy for a bit. In the evening I went out to the drug store and the grocery store. I picked up a few things for work lunches.

On the way back from the grocery store, laden down with 2 heavy bags full of beverages, I saw something that made me stop and retrace my steps. I had walked past a music store. They sell pianos, guitars, that kind of thing. I saw a picture/poster with a man on it inside. He was blonde, slim, good looking, and a little familiar. I read the name and realized who it was on the way past. Peter Frampton. Peter Frampton of the long flowing locks. Oh my gosh....he has short hair now. I was shocked. It was a big surprise. My remembrances of him are all of him with long hair. Too weird. I guess I'm getting old. I guess he did.

After school I finished up and Fumihiko came to get me. We went to Gusto for dinner. I tried a new for me dish, Popeye-egg. That's cooked spinach, mushrooms and bacon with an egg. It was good. I also had a steak!

We came home, watched Desperate Housewives and that's about it. Now we're sipping (okay, swilling) decaf chai tea. It's so good.

That's it for me for tonight. Have a good evening. Night.


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