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September 4, 2004 -Saturday

Warm and sunny, but a bit cloudy too.

An okay day. Last night after I signed off I did some checking to find out when I could catch a train to go to my meeting on Thursday. The answer was 4:40 in the morning. I was not a happy camper at that idea. Yuck. I was angry and vented to Fumihiko. He couldn't sleep...don't know if it was because of me or not, but he got up after an hour and slept on the couch. I woke up around 7 this morning alone. Poor thing. He really couldn't sleep. After he left I got up, surfed the net a bit and then napped.

Work was fine. I wasn't terribly busy, but I wasn't bored either. I had lots to do. I had planning for Tuesday. I also had to do an interview and teach a few classes!

After work Fumihiko brought me home. He prepared yakiniku. I was a bit disappointed because I'd wanted to go out, but you know, it was really good and we could relax. We did dishes together and then Fumihiko took a nap on the sofa. Poor thing.

So, about my trip, I'll most likely go to Sakata on Wednesday night and then catch the train from there on Thursday morning. Still early, but closer to a real time. Sigh.

That was my day. Not bad, not great. Night night!

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