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July 10, 2004 - Saturday

Hot, humid and sunny, then rain in the evening.

A mostly good day.

A little surprise this morning. I went to the washroom around 5 this morning and heard Gombei, our dog, walking around the house. He isn't allowed to do that, so I was surprised. I went down the stairs and when I saw him, with his front paws on the bottom step. He looked so happy to see me, his tail was wagging. When I got near him he ran away. I had to go to the washroom and so when I was in there Fumihiko's Mum got up and dealt with him. I felt a bit bad because I would have, but she beat me to it.

In the apartment this morning I just slept. For almost 2 hours, sleep. Hurray! It feels like I never get to do enough of that. It really does.

Work was fine. I was moderately busy, but halfway through the day I had terrible stomach problems. I'm not sure why, but I spent a lot of time in the washroom. I was worried that I'd have more trouble during my classes, but I didn't, thank goodness.

During one of my free time periods I prepared for two classes next week. Some days I'm going to be really busy, others I won't be. It'll be interesting I think!

After work, Fumihiko and I went to Gusto for dinner. I didn't ride my bike back to the apartment today because it was raining. Gusto was okay. We both had a new dish, calbee with a hamburger patty. It was okay. I had mine without the sauce so it was a bit bland, but okay.

We came home and that was it. Tomorrow I'm off to the apartment to try and bring some order to the chaos. And, I might stay over in the apartment too, so I'm not sure if I'll update or not. Don't worry about me!

Gotta go! Night night!

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