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July 6, 2004 - Tuesday

Really hot today. Bit muggy too.

A strange day. We thought this was Fumihiko's day off, but we were relaxing in bed this morning. His cell phone rang, it was his work. They had scheduled him to drive today, on his day off. I told him to tell them to go to hell, but he wouldn't. He's a nice guy, I'm not!

I went to our apartment, spent some time there before work. I cooked breakfast and then went to work.

I was busy today. I had 6 classes and they all happened. That hasn't happened for a while, but it was good for me. It was a nice change!

After work I tried to get Fumihiko, but couldn't. So, I started to bike back to the apartment. On the way there I saw Fumihiko and he saw me. So, he pulled into the bookstore. I made to cross the street, but he drove off! I thought he'd stop in the convenience store and wait for me, but he didn't. He pulled into a driveway and then waited for me. We had a chat and I told him I'd meet him back at the apartment. So, I did.

We went to Gusto for dinner. It was okay actually. I quite enjoyed it. Then, when we finished, we came home. Fumihiko's Mum came out and told us off a bit. Not exactly sure why.

Anyway, that's about it for me. Have a good night eh!

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