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May 11, 2003 - Sunday

May 11, 2003 - Sunday

Warm but not overly sunny day.

What a day! I slept in quite late, but not as late as usual. I remember waking up to the smell of coffee. Fumihiko had made some coffee for me to drink. It was sweet. The act, not the coffee! Actually the coffee was not great, it was too strong! I taught him the idiom "It'll put hair on your chest" today!

When we got up we went out. Fumihiko wanted to go to Edoichi, so we did. It wasn't very good. Some of the meat that I had spat at me and I was worried that it had burned me too. However, I seem to be unscathed. After lunch we stopped by the restaurant for Fumihiko to make a couple of request for our dinner there, then we came home. Fumihiko's Mum had gone out before we left. Well, when we got back, she still wasn't there. So we played with Gombei for a while and then we went upstairs. I took a bit of a nap while Fumihiko played computer games. Then I did a little bit of work on my old computer, updating my cd listings, then I cleaned up my desk a bit. Just a bit. I like a cluttered desk!

We went fishing to Kamo. It was okay, we had "the super fabulous bait" that Fumihiko always talked about. I did catch a lot of fish, probably around 10 or so, but I threw all but one of them back! The fish were just too small. I'll get them next year when they have grown some more. Fumihiko got a few fish that were bigger too, so we'll have a good fish feed some night.

We came home and Fumihiko's Mum was there. She wasn't in the best of moods. After we got changed we left for Simon. We had a lovely meal of sashimi/salad, cooked fish and shellfish, and steak. Fumihiko had asked the restaurant to give me strawberries and cream for my dessert. I'm allowed that on my diet. It was wonderful! I enjoyed it so much after the more heavy food. It was really yummy. Everything that the restaurant prepared was wonderful.

When we came home I came upstairs and started working on my computer and reading my book. I've been reading The Moon-Spinners by Mary Stewart for ages, but I finally got into it tonight. I really loved her writing when I was younger, guess I still do! I've read it before, but I don't actually remember the ending so it's okay.

I watched the tail end of X-Men as well. It was on regular tv. I didn't need to as I have the DVD, but it was worth it to see Wolverine again!

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. Have a good evening...and a good mother's day if you are one. Night - night!

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