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September 2, 2002 - Monday

Hot and sunny, but not as bad as some days have been.

Today is a sort of sixes and sevens day. Nothing went the way it was supposed to and it was mostly bad for me.

I went to the apartment in the morning and did my laundry and watched the rest of Pride and Prejudice. It was wonderful by the way! I also started to work on a mosaic mobile. Then, I got a phone call from Fumihiko. His ingrown toenail was so painful that he got to take the afternoon off work and go to the doctor. There went my day's plan out of the window. The original plan had been to meet at the mall, where I would have eaten lunch, bought some chairs and came back to my apartment to watch a DVD. I didn't eat anything until about 4:30 so my temper was flaring and I was a little pissed off. Also, the apartment building is having some work done on the balconies. Great. They started setting up in the afternoon which meant that my peaceful afternoon wasn't.

Fumihiko did take me out for supper, bless him and then we did go back to the apartment to watch Apollo 13. It was really good, and I think he enjoyed it.

We came home because his foot was hurting again and he wanted to soak it. I'm afraid that I'm just not too sympathetic. I've never had an ingrown toe nail and it seems like such a stupid thing to cause that much pain.

Anyway, I'm off to watch ER now. Back to work tomorrow. Don't wanna go. Really.

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