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September 3, 2001 - Monday

A quiet day in a lot of ways. I got up to go to my lesson, a little later than I had planned to, as usual. I got there a bit late, as usual.

After the lesson, I went to the mall again, to see a movie. Well, guess what, there still wasn't anything I wanted to see. I did a tiny bit of shopping, had cafe latte at Cafe Americano. While I was there I wrote a letter. After I wrote the letter I sent it from the post office in Mycal.

I did a bit more shopping and then came back to my apartment. I watched a bit of TV, and then went out and had supper at Steak Victoria. I took my copy of Little Lord Fauntleroy with me and I read some of it while I ate.

After that I came home and I'm presently watching Some Like It Hot, which is one of the funniest movies of all time. They are having a Jack Lemmon retrospective this week, because of his recent death.

And that's it for my day. I want to go to bed soon, because I'm quite tired, but it'll likely be a little after midnight.

Night night.

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