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November 28, 2000 - Tuesday

Hello from snowy Otaru! It's a little cold here, -4 Celsius, and there is a huge amount of snow.

Today was supposed to be a really busy day, but it didn't turn out to be as busy as I'd hoped. I did have a telephone meeting, and a chat time. The telephone meeting was, well, to be honest, boring as it was half in Japanese, but the chat time was fine. One of Justin's students came and we talked for a while. I didn't know her very well so it was a nice chance to meet her.

Again, two of my classes didn't show up. It's kind of sad, because I was all prepared to teach them.

The classes that I did have went okay, but not great. Still, they can't always be great can they?

After work I called in to my head office and had a quick chat with an old friend. A bit after that I walked home. In the covered malls it was fine, but in the streets it was a bit slippery in places. Still, I made it home safely.

Nothing much interesting happened at home, so I answered some e-mail and wrote this entry. I'll be going to bed as soon as I get this posted. Night!

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