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December 17, 2000 - Sunday

Today was a pretty good day. I slept late of course :-) and when I got up I did laundry. I ate some of the brie that I had bought before. It was darn nice.

I played a game of Scrabble on my computer but it took forever. I was supposed to be getting ready for the party, but I played the game instead. Oops. That meant that when I finally quit playing it was really close to the time that I had to get ready and leave. Oh dear.

I got to the school where we were meeting people, changed and then went into my classroom to put on my makeup. While I was doing that, everyone except Justin left. I came out of my classroom and found him turning off the lights. I wasn't too happy about that.

We got a ride with one of the students to the party place and played the mixing game. I got a picture frame and a pair of gloves.

The food was nice. There was antipasto, pizza, tarako spaghetti and chicken or fish. I did a lot of mingling, and talking to students. Everyone seemed to be surprised that I wasn't drinking alcohol at the party.

After the restaurant party, a lot of us went to karaoke. That was fun. I haven't been to karaoke in months. Of course I was sick for a long time so I wouldn't have been able to sing, but I'm fine now. I sang quite a! I sang Last Christmas, Lipstick on Your Collar, Living La Vida Loca, Time after Time, and Blondie's Call Me. There were a couple of other songs too, but I didn't want to hog the microphone too much! I actually had a drink there too.

There was a lot of drinking at the party, and unfortunately a lot of spilling! One person was so drunk that he fell asleep, and another accidentally showed a bit more of herself than I think she meant to!

After 3 hours we left. It was long enough, but next time I really want to try singing Pat Benatar...Hit Me with Your Best Shot. I didn't have the nerve tonight because I'm not really a big fan of hers, but I wanted to try the song.

I went to the washroom after the party and when I came out everyone had left. That made me feel really good...not. I took the elevator downstairs and met up with some of the people. It seemed like they were deciding whether to go a ramen restaurant or not. I don't know, I wasn't really invited, so I announced that I was going home and left. I walked home in my long dress and boots. It wasn't that bad. I wanted to walk anyway to normalize my head.

When I came home I turned on the TV and caught the Made for TV adaptation of A Streetcar Named Desire. I've never seen this version, or any version so I watched it. It was great. It starred Jessica Lange as Blanche, Diane Lane as Stella, John Goodman as Mitch and Alec Baldwin as Stanley. I named myself "Stella" because the yelling scene in the Brando movie was so famous, so I felt it was fitting to watch this version. It was good, but I've decided to cancel my lesson in the morning. I'm tired from the party and I just didn't want to be asleep the lesson.

Anyway, I'm going to wash off my make-up and then get myself to bed. See you sometime tomorrow...maybe!

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