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December 11, 2000 - Monday

I had a pretty good day today. I went to my Japanese lesson, which was difficult because I didn't study very much. Sigh. I don't accept that reason from my students, so I guess I shouldn't give it either!

After the lesson I gingerly walked to the hair salon. I really desperately needed and wanted a haircut.I got a good one and my hair looks great. I just hope I can style it as well as the guy did.

My hair done, I wanted to show it off! I decided to go to the mall. I walked the long way round to the station. Near the station there was a bridge and the sidewalk was a block of ice. There was a woman coming towards me on it and she saw me and stopped. I was clinging to the fence and I looked at her and she looked at me. There was no way we could pass each other and there was no way that I could walk on the ice without holding on. She had to let me get by before she could go. Scary.

I went to the mall, got some money and decided to have lunch. I went to a revolving sushi restaurant. One of my student's recommended the place to me on Saturday. It was really good. I enjoyed it. I haven't had good sushi in a while. The pieces of fish were really big and tasty!

Then I went shopping. I bought my present for the party on Sunday, and some more stamps. I bought a few groceries and a couple of bagels for breakfast.There wasn't any movies playing that I wanted to watch, at the time I wanted to watch them so I came home.

When I got home, I decided to use some of my stamps. I made 5 really nice cards. I have to do a few minor additions to them, but they look pretty darn good! While I was making them I called Gabrielle and we had a good talk. She cheered me up no end!

That's about it for the day. I'll be going to bed soon, I'm quite tired. Nightie night!

Special added on piece. Just as I was ending this entry, the fire alarm went off. I'm a little ashamed to say it, but I took time to save my entry, turn off my computer, grab a coat, pair of socks, my purse and my boots. I don't know what happened, I met up with Justin outside and we got the manager to turn off the alarm. I sure hope there wasn't a fire. It was darn cold out there!

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