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December 7, 2000 - Thursday

An interesting and somewhat productive day. I wasn't too busy at work so I was able to get a lot of planning done, and I even worked on my work Christmas decorations. I have one class left to plan for Saturday, but I should have time for that on Friday night.

I walked to work today. It was a bit cold, but bright and sunny. I bought my brunch at 7-11 and then walked to work. There wasn't any interesting music in the malls today, they've started to play Christmas music.

My first student was a bit late showing up, but we had a good time when she arrived. Actually, all the classes I had today went well. They were very interesting too. In one class we are learning all about Mars.

I put up the chain that I made yesterday. It looks darn silly all by itself, so I'm making another one to keep it company!

I got done reasonably early and left the office at a goodly time. There had been a bit of snow during the day which covered the ice, but not enough to give traction. That meant that some places were really slippery. However, it was almost warm out. It was a balmy -1 tonight. Not bad at all.

When I came home I didn't even open my computer, I went to work on my New Years cards. I made a couple of samples....actually 3 and then one "good" one that I think looks pretty darn cool. I kept changing my mind about what to do, but it is pretty much like a design I thought up at work. I'm a little proud of it. I hope people like to receive them.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. Tomorrow the day will start busy and end slow...sort of weird I think. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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