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December 1, 2000 - Friday

It seemed a little warmer today. I'm sure that the snow was melting just a little bit. It was almost pleasant to be outside.

I walked to work this morning and bought my breakfast and lunch at the convenience store. I got to work a little later than I like to get there, but still within acceptable limits.

Work was okay. I only had 3 classes today and they went well. We had a staff meeting and I agreed to start a group class in the future. I'm looking forward to it. I haven't got many group classes now and I'd like to start another one soon. It's dependent on a couple of factors though.

I did some prep work for tomorrow's classes too. I think they'll be okay, at least I hope so!

I got out of the office kind of early and walked home. Quite a bit of snow had melted which made it easier to walk in some places, and harder in others. There was a lot of glare ice in places and places where the snow has become packed into an uneven, treacherous place to walk.

At home I decided to cook. Well, I guess technically heat up. I "made" chicken nuggets and crab croquettes. It was nice for a change.

I watched Ally McBeal which was on early tonight. Billy is still acting like a twit, and Ally is trying to get Georgia and Billy back together.

That's close to being it. I finished the Elizabeth George book that I bought a couple of weeks ago. It was pretty good. Just 3 short stories. They weren't as complicated as her novels. Interesting though.

I think that that is about it. I think I'm out of things to say. I hope to get to bed earlier tonight. I spent a lot of time online working on my homepage last night. I don't want to repeat that.


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