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April 2, 2000 - Sunday

Not a very adventurous day I'm afraid. Last night as I was doing a final check of the TV stations I discovered that one channel was running an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was one that I'd heard a lot about, but had never seen, "The Naked Now", the episode where Data and Yar 'got it on' (to paraphrase Robert Palmer). It was a really old episode and to be honest it was a bit clunky. Still, I was just so darned pleased to see Star Trek that I didn't care.

This morning I slept in, but not terribly late. When I did finally get up I did laundry and started cleaning out one of my closets. Oh my gosh there was a lot of junk in there. I have no idea what to do with it all, to be honest! I'm going to send a bunch of things home to my sister, the rest I may throw out, I'm not exactly sure.

I also biked to the hardware store to buy some new glasses. Over the years my glasses have broken, and I guess I should replace them!

At 7:15 I tuned in to catch The Antiques Road Show but discovered that "Good Will Hunting" was on instead. That was actually a pleasant surprise. It's one of the few Robin Williams movies that I can stand. When it was over I flipped channels and watched the last 3/4 of Jumanji, so it was kind of a Robin Williams night. After that, I finally and at long last re-watched "The Mummy". Brendan Fraser is a babe. The movie was fun.

In a little while I'll probably go to bed. I hope to go to the International Center and return some of my books tomorrow. I hope the weather holds. It's not fun to cycle all that way if it rains.
Anyway, that's it for me for today. Catch me later, okay?

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