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Morgan the Faery


Faeries, The Little People, Fairy Folk and Kin:Most can be safely befriended.Use common sense, and leave them alone if you feel uneasy. Never commanded, most nature spirits and kin can be called on and asked for assistance by ritual offering of wine and cookies. Ginger is well liked as well as water to wash their offspring in and cheese and bread to 'eat'(They take the essence of the food, and leave the solid form behind). Place the offering near a tree or lush green plantings. (Oftentimes I have found mushrooms in a circular pattern after working in a garden..these are called fairy rings and are known to be caused by the dancing of "TROOPING FAIRIES" (Daoine Sidh and Shefro). Most live in bands, but several are alone. They come in sizes from teeny tiny...all the way to four feet tall. Most love finery. They must have food and sleep and are susceptible to disease. They have horses and they are usually speckled and shaggy. They do NOT like humans spying on them. It is known that they banquet on roots of silverweed, stalks of heather, milk of red deer and goats, barley, meal, bread, mushrooms, honey, and dew. They are musicians and have instruments. The music of Londonerry Air is said to have been learned from fairies. They tend to guard their real names. Some are shapeshifters(into birds). They often use glamour spells (called Pishogue in Ireland)when encountering humans. It is said that you can see faeries through stone with a natural hole in it. They value neatness, generosity and abilities to keep secrets. Elphame is a Scottich version of the Norse word Alfame, country of elves, or Fairyland. Psychics say they can see them travel at Imbolc, Beltand, Lughnassadh, and Samhain. In Scottich Witchcraft, the high priestess of the coven was called Queen of Elphame. Both the Welsh and Irish called the faires The Mothers and considered Fairyland the Land of Woman. This harkens back to the fact that the Celtic peoples were originally a matriarchal society. Most live in hills, brughs, or barrows. While some live deep in the woods and in lakes. Their favorite hour is twilight, between day and night. It is said you can open a door into a fairy hill by walking around it three times widdershins(counterclockwise)

I will start with the PHOUKA(pooka)