Darryl Weber

Darryl Weber

Darryl Weber, a security guard at KFI radio in Los Angeles, occasionally substitutes for Phil as a guest host. His radio show is the "Funky Chicken Cacophany and Liquor Jamboree." ML is Daryl's assitant on the show and also fires up the BBQ for Daryl. Vivianne, his wife of 30 or 32 years is very obese (275 lbs) from eating fried chicken. Everything about Vivianne is about food, says Darryl. "My woman, she is a hog. I love you, you greasy pig!" She even has a mini-refrigerator for a bedside stand and uses ham slices as five day deoderant pads. As Darryl says,"She can suck the fat and grease out of a chicken bone." She goes to the Colonel's and orders a 50 piece buffalo wings package with a quart of ranch dressing for a snack. Darryl is appalled that a crock of butter only lasts a day in his house. When he confronted Vivianne about that, she cut him off from marital relations. She tried to turn Darryl on recently by dancing on a table top but broke the table to smithereens. Darryl will constantly tell the listeners how much he loves his wife but then immediately follows that with how much he hates how fat she is. It bothers Darryl that his wife will eat chicken legs while he makes love to her. He says, "She munches away like nothing is goin' on!"

Darryl is appalled that Vivianne takes Wesson oil and makes oilcicles. She has twice wonbronze "Big Ass Awards" which now sit on Darryl's mantle at home. Darryl has even written a book called How to Live with a Woman with a Big Ass. Darryl autographs copies of the book every Sunday at the Bellflower Joyful Union Congregation Church after services.

Darryl's music is great but his experience as a broadcaster is not. He constantly is stepping on the music and listeners. His famous phrases are "PTL, PTL" (Praise the Lord) and "That is just not right!"

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