Outdoor/Forest (capture the flag style):

You are out there, your looking around...you are trying to find all the good hiding spots, knowing you will need them...your ready, you team reviews the plan.."ARE YOU READY" the referee shouts, several of you teammates including you scream back YES, same with the other team..."GAME ON"...the words rush thruogh your head and you get an instant rush that will last the rest of the game...you rush in to thickened bush pile, you lean back...not 10seconds after you sit down you hear a person behind you...you take a peek out, their about 10yeards off and they have no clue your their, you almost instantly out of instinct pull your head back and try to keep cover, he wanders a few more steps...and then you can tell their is a few more people..their all comming twards you... your heart starts to beat 1000times a second, you instantly get another adrenaline rush, you peek out, their all about 10feet away now, and in a second you decide to lean out and shoot, bam bam bam bam bam you shoot about 20 or 30 balls, they return fire but only one makes a good shot and hes the only one that you didnt hit, he jumps to cover and you jump out AGAIN another 10shots, then he returns fire, but your already in cover, you decide he wont move, and you lean down and crawl about 10 feet to another batch of cover, hes still shooting where you were a minute ago, you crawl a few more feet and then you sneak all the way around until you come out right behind him, knowing in you mind its a gift from the gods he cant tell you there, you wait until he continues fire on you old cover to move, letting his gun cover you noise, you thinking, o god, how can he not hear my heart beating, it beating a million times a second, then you scream and fire he turns around and fires but not until hes been hit a few times and he hits you once but it doesnt count, you scream "PAINT CHECK" the ref comes running over, you quickly tell him the story and he calls the other guy out and wipes off your hit and he leaves, you cuntinue up twards the other teams base avoiding the oppontnts and hiding once in a while waiting for them to leave, and you begin to wonder, where are all my teammates? but never mind, you forget that and continue on, your slowly and cautiously crawlying, "PINK OR GREEN" a voice wispers...umm pink.. you?, im pink too...come on, lets go get them...you two rush up twards the base, and you rest for a second, you hear onther guy comming down twards you, you two look at eachother and decide that you will wait a second for him to come down, he comes and you jump out shooting, the guy maneages to hit your teammate but you hit him also, and you continue once again all alone, you get up there and you see about 6 or 7 people gaurding the flag and realize you cant take them all, you are sitting there and you hear a voice shout-"SURRENDER!" you turn to him and he looks at your repeating, "do u surrender?" you look at him again and wisper, "Never" only a second later taking cover and nailing him in the mask, you continue to think about how to win..you look down and you spot ANOTHER teammate, and he spots you a second later, you comminucate shortly hoping you know what eachother meant just trying to lip read, you see him mouth-"5, 4, 3, 2, 1","GO GO GO he screams" and he rushes the base and he hits about 3guys and you jump up and rush twards the base realizing noones has spotted you yet, you grab the flag and see a paintball splatter right on the teammate screaming "i did it for you, now run!!!" you get all you have and turn and run noticing only a couplt seconds later that all the other 5 guys see you and start rushing after you...

you continue runing and running with paintballs wizzing by you and as you run you see 7-10 of your teamsmates pop out and start covering you-you run wuth al you've got then you spot the place you need to be...you give it all you have got and all of a sudden a guy on the other team jump out and hit you, you look down and see it bounce off, NO HIT! you scream in you head, then he notices and continues fireing, so you duck and another one of your teammates nails him and you pop up again and run run run, then you slam the flag onto the wire and you have won, after that, you see over a dozen guys pop up and the game has ended, you proud of your self, and you can see, all your teammates, lookingat you, but you know you didnt do it all, it was something your team did, and your done....

your running runing then all of a sudden you see a hole-a squrllel hole, you trip over it and you fall to the ground, you quickly get up and try to run but you get hit several times, and they take the flag, you think, damn! i was so close!, but you know you still did good, and you can see the disbeliefe on you teammates, but they still dont dis-respect you, you can tell they know you did a good job, and so your just go back..you done...
What did you think? tell me

SkyBall Outdoor/Forest [1] Outdoor/Forest [2]