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My Home Page

Hey all you guys, I am glad you came to my page. We'll as you can tell I love taking pictures and have alot of them on here. I also have links to some of my other pages and some of my favorite sites. Well I hope you enjoy my page, now I better tell a lil about me... Well I was born in Tennessee and moved to California at age 3 with my parents. I was 9 when my parents divorced and they soon remarried very nice people. I suddenly had 2 brothers and 1 sister, and later on a half brother was born. I was very happy to not be an only child anymore. I got my license at 16 and my very first car was a mazda miata, I recently sold it though because it was too small and had too many problems, I now drive a 95 Nissan which I love. I graduated from high school in 2002 and currently am attending a local community college where I am studying to be an elementary school teacher. I hope to transfer to a University in about a year. I am working part time at a local childrens store where I have been for 4 years now. I also go to church at a local Evangelical church. I have been attending there for nearly 13 years. Well I think thats about all. I hope yall like my page. PS: My theme song.
kelly clarkson - break away ::
At your ten year high school reunion... by robbiewriter
Your school name
Your name
Your job will beHairdresser
You will be worth$298,615
Everyone will think youUsed to have a crush on them
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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My favorite things to do

My Favorite Web Sites

My Blog / Journal Page
My Photo Album
My Memorial Page to some family and friends
Damara's Webpage
My Youth Pastor's Blog