"Y2okay thats enough.."

The other day I was watching TV when I made the mistake of tuning in to the Home Shopping Network.  The product of the hour was some self-tanning lotion.  They claimed it spread on perfectly.  Well, amidst the lies lurked another funny tidbit.  In the middle of the presentation, a little sign flashed at the bottom of the screen.  It said, "Y2K Compliant".  I almost pissed my "Y2K Compliant" shorts.   My God, how can a tanning lotion NOT be compliant?  This is the kinda thing that makes me think...think how dumb so many people are.  This  "Y2K" thing is going way too far.  I mean when people whose knowledge of their computer extends to, "Yeah...EMAIL" start buying new computers, you know we have a problem.  I think Microsoft purposely didn't make Windows 95 Y2K compliant so that everyone will have to upgrade in a couple of years.  I am not dissing Microsoft, this is one of the smartest things to come of Windows.  Well, now that I am finished bashing computer "newbies" and the rest of the Y2K-crazed world, I am going to get a "Y2K compliant" sandwich and a "Y2K compatible" soda.   Mmmm, millennial thirst-quenching.

"Signal Bleed"

heres the story: I was in journalism class one day and i was reading an article in the newspaper. the article was mainly about the trialing of a bill that prohibits blocking the "fuzzy" images from paid cable stations on tv such as HBO, Cinemax, and Encore, Playboy, and Spice. The "fuzzy" images when a person does not have paid cable and they switch to that station is called "signal bleed". Many parents wanted those stations to be blocked from public cable because they did not want their youngens to be watching that sort of material. It is sort of ridiculous that a parent would be so protective from that stuff. It said in the article that 70% surveyed americans have admitted to watching signal bleed channels. Why would the government go through such trouble to block those signals? i dont understand. i think that if parents want to act to prevent graphic material, then they should lock their kids in a playpen and give them barney too watch. "blind fake, blinds the weak minds of the truth"

"Sell Outs"

Have you ever wondered why people get mad at music artists who "sell out"? These most popular of these kinds of bands are aimed at the most: Korn, Limp Bizkit, Orgy, etc. I beleive that many people judge too much on a band, and some people might just like a certain band because other people like it or vice versa. When someone likes korn or these "sell out" bands, i just laugh. It is funny to see that people really care that a band has "sold" out. If i was a member of the band, i'd be pissed!! i would not want to be in a band that has some sort of gay ass label to it especially if it there band was known as a sell out band. Well while bands like Blink 182 are getting more like boy bands every second, ill sit here and laugh.

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